I confess, I lean towards giving it serious consideration.......


- We THINK that the political resistance we suspected that might be attached to V8s isn't there. But we don't know for certain.

- I would want to see the evidence of what the subject motors would do in IT trim, or have very good empirical data about it.

- Some concern themselves with "the way the car races", and object to cars that race differently in the same class. On the other hand, I'm sure that if the shoe is on the other foot, the same objections arise. To me, one of the joys of a non spec class is the battle between the Davids and the Goliaths. On some tracks, the cards play into Davids hands...on others, it's reversed. To me, that makes it interesting.

I've heard complaits about how, "It will suck being behind the tanks in the corners...you know how frustrating it is when you're behind some guy who's not in your class and turns slower laps but you can't get around him?". To that I say...what if he's IN your class?? Now it matters...be shrewd, think your way by. That's racing. Strategy and cunning can rule the day.

The key, in my mind will be balancing the strengths and weaknesses so that the cars have a fair chance at some tracks, just like any other car.

The process exists with it's adders and subractors for just such a reason: to give the folks classing the cars the necesary flexibility to balance the parameters of disimilar physical layouts.

Why is this any different?