July 1998 this class was initiated for Mazda RX7s model year 1979 through 1985 with a 12 A motor. This class must comply with and be prepared to the IT A rules as published by SCCA GCR and Category Specifications.
Effective October 1, 2005 the spec tire for IT7 is Toyo RA1 DOT - shaved or unshaved. Optional rain tire, Toyo Prosex RA 1 DOT shaved or unshaved, or Hoosier Dirt Stocker DOT.

The REs vote was 10 to 3 in favor of the spec tire. Rules for all regional classes will be posted on within a day or two. I'm waiting on revisions from one of the other classes.

I have been given direction to gather information for all the regional classes for the 2008 season. Information on how this will be completed will be posted on within a few weeks.

Toni Creighton