I did want to share a small bit of advice that some of you may have figured out on your own - downshifting into 2nd while exiting 8 can have really detrimental effects on the ability of your power plant to continue to be a power plant. Take my word on this. [/b]
Earl - I heard you had a problem but not until Sunday or I'd have stopped by to thank you for giving me at least one position during the race :P Turn 8 - I'm usually upshifting to 4th about there although I did forget once on Sunday when I was more concerned about turning on my wipers to wipe away the fuel from the orange RX7 and banged the rev limiter at track-out in T9. Seriously - sorry to hear about your little valve to piston interference issue. I look forward to racing with you at the Double.

There was some good news for Slummit Point - the electrical work in the back paddock is progressing. While the boxes aren't all installed or functional, they are probably 80% installed and (fingers crossed of course) I'm hoping that they'll be operational for the Double. We brought a myriad of extension cords this weekend and plugged in the trailer anyways so we could feel somewhat civilized. We even fired up the ole lighted palm tree on Saturday night and it attracted derlicts (you know who you are...) like a lightbulb attracts moths.