..which is a problem I have with "track gas" at NHIS.. I forgot my gas can at home this past weekend and I figured that I would be able to buy some fuel at the track. I was expecting to pay through the nose for "regular" fuel, but all they were pumping last weekend was 112 octane leaded! Since I didn't know if the systems in my production-based, OBDII-electronics IT car would take kindly to leaded fuels, I passed and was fortunately able to "borrow" a couple of gallons of pump fuel from a friend.. If we're required to buy fuel at the track, can the track be required to sell us stuff that works in our cars?

I asked this in a previous thread. The short answer is that you can run leaded gas if you've got all the emissions stuff removed (mainly the catalytic converter I believe). There was some belief that it may shorten the life of the O2 sensor, but that shouldn't be a big issue unless you're running 24 hour enduros all the time.

Most of the tracks I go to seem to have 100 unleaded and 110 leaded for the same price. I've run the 110 without any issues in my car. My motor is a max build and it gets hot here in Atlanta. I'm not willing to risk the motor with just 93 gas.
