The CRX is still quite competitive, and I think it has more potential than you think. Granted it has a few shortfalls (one being the very short wheelbase which will make it a win or die driving experience when pushed to the very edge).

But if you look at the statistics, a WELL PREPARED CRX is still winning races and resetting track records. But you do have to take the time and money to prepare it well. There are a few advantages to the Integra, one of them is that a deciently prepped one will get to the front 1/3 of the field easily, making the driver feel he is king of the hill, unfortunatly as most experienced drivers know that staying at the front and gaining those precious 2 tenths takes a lot of extra effort.

Fortunatly the CRX will get those extra 2 tenths with a less money and just more driver skill and taking the time to tune the suspension to the improved driving style.

As long as the cars are kept legal (and we all know who's Integra's NOT) the battle for the front of the pack is still up for grabs.
