
I agree to some extent. I have pushed for Pocono to be a combo event, possibly even a PDX/Club School/Regional weekend type thing. Unfortunately, the organizers of the Pocono PDx place a lot of stress on running the "long course" and also are skeptical of dealing with the logistics of multiple events on the same site. If a track does support multiple, simultaneous configurations (Pocono, VIR, or the multiple tracks at Summit), this method does work incredibly well.

One major issue we obviously have at this point is scheduling, mostly from an availability point of view. Tri has to take that weekend at Pocono, in direct conflict with other events, or lose it and be down to only the National.

One issue with running the PDX interspersed into Club Races is mentality. I have been told by more than one CR Steward that they don't care what the paperwork says, they're not letting cars without cages out on "THEIR" track- PERIOD. Nevermind the fact that in that situation with a co-sanctioned and co-insured event, the Club Race actually "stops" when the PDX group goes out, and resumes upon the start of the next CR run group... They don't even want Level 3 events with them because the cars don't meet Club Racing category specs.

I do however feel that PDXs do stand a chance as a stand-alone event, since there are many clubs doing just that. We just need to get better and cooperate with those groups (cross-breed if you will) and offer our days as an extension of an already successful program. Lots of other clubs have ridden on our coat-tails for years, so why can't they return the favor?

I would like to talk to you more in-depth about your experiences with NASA. I need some honest, non-biased opinions on a few things and I think you're the person I want to talk to...

Enjoy your weekend everyone, I'm off to Summit!