Alright, we're getting somewhere!

As for minimum weights I think that would lead down the road to more expenses and office mumbo jumbo once more. With minimum weights it's not long to people are crying for competition adjustments and "my car is too heavy". For the cheap price shut your yap and go get a lighter car. The minimum weight is what the car weighs once you take out the interior, and that's it. I know I'm talking tough but my goal would be to make it so it CAN'T get more expensive. The goal here is to have fun racing. We all know that you don't have to lead the race to have fun, although it's nice. My favorite races were racing with ITB cars in my ITA car. So even if you're slow you'll have fun with someone.

As for the motors, in the rules stock is stock is stock. If it's not stock, it's not stock. So you would still need the protest part of the deal. If your car is blowing people away and nobody can figure out why, prepare to have your car claimed. Claim rules can be a stinker though. I think I would vote for the claim rule where you have to be entered in the race in order to claim the other persons car. And maybe something like if you claim a person's car (minues the safety equipment) they get a chance to buy yours. I just don't like the idea of leaving someone out in the cold.

Safety. That would and should be the important and expensive part here. I think this class would be limited to 4 cyl cars because we don't need guys flying down the track in a big V8 wondering if the brakes would hold. And like our other classes hitting is a no no and you'll get in trouble for it if you do it. I'm sure these cars won't hold the road as good so there will probably be some light contact. But maybe at this price range that wouldn't be that much of a problem. Right now our cars cost lots of money and so do the parts. Some of our cars are so old that body parts are really non-existant. So some dents would just have to be alright.

It may be a junk yard class but it doesn't have to act like one. The cars should be clean, well numbered, and parts shouldn't just fly off of them. Brakes need to work and it needs to look like it can go around the track with out killing someone.

Man would I love to see this class come to life. Just think how easy it is. No big scary rule book (another reason why I think kids get scared away from this). No mega huge entry fees. No scary legal looking classification process. Just get some safety gear, a cheap car, and lets go racing.

And about that rule book and all the other mumbo jumbo you have to do to go racing. Can you imagine trying to talk a kid into this by finishing this sentence:

"Sure you can go road racing, it's easy! All you need is..."

All I can think about is read giant hard to understand rule book... pay for memberhip $$, get car $$$$$$, is car legal? Did you read your book? Get car tech'd (where's that at?). Go to school (where?) $$$$$$. Pay for racing license $$. Good, now go race! $$$ Oh, and next year you get to pay BOTH memberships again. $$,$$.

When my license fees showed up this year I actually laughed. Stupid money.