I have not been on IT.com in a while but I was told I should look at this tread.

1st. Ray is not a Steward, he is a Steward in Training.

2nd as far as impound all's and open Hood and Trunk inspections, if you contact the Chief Steward early enough (not a few days before the race), The Chief Steward would probably arrange for it to happen.
This would mean a significant number of drivers asking for the impound all- well in advance.

I am posting a segment from the Stewards Standard Minimum Penalties- the portion that deals with Non-compliant cars.

Car not in compliance:
Prior to the race: Chief Steward removes Tech Sticker - car may be re-submitted, and if found in compliance, may compete.
Post race: Time penalty to move to last in field. (If not sufficient to cause loss of place points - take points).

Cheater car (attempted performance modification):
Maximum penalty (DQ, Suspension, and probation.) The probation to include having the car appear at pre and post race tech at each event for compliance verification.

We all want cars to be compliant

Jack Hanifan
NeDiv Executive Steward