I think I need to apologize,because I believe my post was taking the wrong way in regards to the way it was written. I should not have used the word funny. Maybe "ironic". The point I was trying to make was that the original poster was trying to come up with a way to help keep cars and competitiors legal. I was pointing was trying to point out that here is an example of someone trying to come up with a solution or better way, and yet I have heard questions about his cars. We all here people's opinions of other competitiors and their legality, and I am sure we have our own opinions. There are always people to think others must be cheating if they get beat. My point was to make the process of protesting or others means easier so that we could identify problems with competitors and more importantly put rumors and accusation to rest. I said I have know idea about the original poster and comments I have heard. And I do not put much stock in them because I do not know the sitiuations. I was trying to make a point that the poster was right. There needs to be a better way. I also apologize to anyone who might have been offended
Again, your comments have no validity when you don't post a name.

I've been in IT in NER for years and in ITB for two and have never heard these same "rumors" that you have. When ever someone is fast, the accusations fly.

My thoughts on the process:

- I applaud what you guys are doing. Nice job.
- I don't know if I agree about posting it all in a public forum. But maybe public humiliation will work??
- I think you are going easy on known cheaters
- I don't buy that "I didn't know" crap. Especially on shortened axles and motor mounts. Every VW guy knows these "tricks"!!
- I know there a bunch of NER ITBers that are behind this. You cheaters better watch out!!