While I agre that rule changes (in some instances) should be able to be made must more swiftly, I think this one is a moot point. I do not believe the CRB is considering anything but the SIR for the E36.

It is unfortunate, but I think the SIR is a one deal.

AB [/b]
This shouldn't be a moot point. The weight placement rule is a very good and a great common sense rule for the benefit of all makes, models and class. Please don't mess up what could help all that are involved. Enact this NOW. It's only a matter of typing a technical directive up and posting it. I agree AB, that some tech changes need not to be made quickly, maybe like the SIR, but when a change is needed quickly the ITAC, CRB & the CRB Chairman needs to act decisively. I have very recently found out how the ruling process works. I still believe the process has to change to effectively to make the CRB more efficient. If the BMW club can do it, the SCCA should be able to.

As much as I hate the thought of the SIR, I respect the CRB for making difficult decesion and stick by their guns. They are in a tought position dealing with all the manufactures and I bet right now they wished they only had 1 to deal with.