Dj, sorry, but Greg is right. As a driver of a "challenged" ITS car, I had hoped you guys would be reigned in some, but totally disagreed with the SIR and I had some sympathy for you.

However, the responses I have seen here by the BMW "crowd" (more on that in a minute, since it is only a few of you) really turned me off to you guys. This is not some big Andy B. led conspiracy to screw BMWs. It was a legitimate attempt to fix a playing field that EVERYONE other than the BMWs thought was uneven.

A couple of things are interesting to me. Only a couple of BMW guys even bother to post here (and I do appredciate that). Most of you appear to be participating in a nasty, unfair, rude, and downright whiny conversation on the BMW board. Frankly, I think the guys there are there because they don't want to face the facts that are posted here.

So be it.

I want to race with BMWs. I think they should be in ITS. I think that they should be one of if not the best car to have. But the attitudes displayed here, and even more so on the BMW board -- hell, take your cars and go race BMW CCA. ITS with RX7s, GSRs, 240zs, 240sxs and the newly lightened 944s sure looks good to me.
I'd really like to know what the HELL you are talking about!!!!!!????????
Let's clear some s*** up! 1st of all I don't even post on the BMW board!!!! I have read some of the shi* on the board and it sickens me! I am an adult and I don't attack attack anyone unless they truly deserve it or like now, like you attacking me and I've never attacked anyone on this board including AB or anyone else. I expect the same couresty and now I'm pissed that Grey Amy and you are from what I see attacking me for what? Being sarcarstic? What do you expect? Forcing me to buy UNTESTED & UNPROVED BS! Making me spend more money? Isn't racing expensive enought? Look at Greg's and read your post and tell me who is being rude and for what? You better read my posts again and this time DON'T TAKE THEM OUT OF CONTEXT!
So I don't know who the hell you ARE talking about, but it better not be me!
One last thing! The way you and Amy have reacted make's you no better than some of the jerks on the BMW board, congrats you HAVE lowered yourselves. This site is for constructive dialog not for attacking anyone. Grow up!