Have they? I've read the whole thread, even the rhetoric. But I didn't read anything that makes me sure that the SIR will not affect cars with less preparation.[/b]
Mike, if thats your issue, it's not much of an issue...why does it really matter? Think about it. The big issue that the membership sees with this specific change is that the E36 has gotten a break, as the alternative, weight would most surely affect ALL cars, and most likely, the lesser developed cars would feel the pinch worse.

Yeah, it did. I wondered how guys could race those cars, with the technology being 30 years old and all. I thought that ITS was for recent cars, not vintage rigs. And that's why I wonder why the older cars aren't classified down over time.
Where did you get the idea ITS was for new cars displacing older? The philosophy, intent and ruleset is categorywide, each class operates under the same set of goals. Nowhere has it ever been said ...not now, not ever that I am aware of, that the classes were unique. The "trickle down" approach is rife with pitfalls.