Maybe that's inappropriate as you see it Jake, but Alabama's RE and his friends have been doing exactly that to us for a couple of months now. He says there was no discussion of this plan and when we prove there was he says it was only a discussion of an "idea". He says there was no plan written and when we prove there was a written plan he says it was nothing. When we prove it was selectively distributed he redistributes it seven months after the fact and claims it was distributed. When we prove there is a secret meeting planned they get someone else to come here and call it a private "cocktail party". Then we find out yesterday afternoon that they have a SEDIV agenda in which this plan is included? In addition I find out that Barry is out lobbying the non-racing regions to back it? What am I supposed to think? He's assembling votes of these little non-racing regions because they have as much power in their single vote as any racing region. One region has two people!!!! This is a total manipulation of a broken system. It's not about Florida being greedy it's about Alabama being greedy. We just want to race and Barry doesn't want us to so he can make money and be a big man.

Dick, if you want to question my ethics you better back it up with something. I have not lied or misrepresented anything for personal gain like those I've exposed here. As far as behavior, I never thought the first amendment mentioned such. I'll have to go back and check.