This was exactly the information I was looking for.

I am preparing my SSM-class Miata for the "The Devil in the Dark," the 12-hour race scheduled for June at New Jersey Motorsports Park. I have run the Last Chance enduro at the Glen four times before in my car with friends under a gentleman's agreement. This race is different. The preparation is pretty daunting and fairly expensive, and the sheer length of the race adds to the risk. All this is complicated by the identification of team members, and making suitable arrangements.

The touchiest issue is ensuring the understanding about damage before the race. One driver is a good friend and a stand-up guy. One potential driver is the same, another is an acquaintance with a good driving record and deep pockets, and another is a stranger to me, but comes recomended by a good friend who is a talented driver.

I have been thinking about whether to get something in writing, and am convinced after reading this thread that I should. Any awkwardness about getting something in writing, particularly from my friend, is outweighed by the potential ugliness that may ensue if without everyone understanding the arrangement before the race.

On that note, can anyone who uses a letter of agreement or something similar be willing to share a copy? Also, can anyone share the figures they have used to calculate the per-driver contribution?
