Originally posted by MMiskoe@Nov 23 2005, 03:13 PM
What gains can be had w/ a completely built from scratch system (IE Motec) that are not availble by reprogramming/chipping the stock ECU?

What I am curious about is what is available through a completely custom designed system that is not available by re-working the existing system? IE for the guys that do go out and get the custom made system worth 10 years of entry fees, what do they gain that they couldn't get by simply reprogramming what they already had?
And here we go again (no offense Matt).

Advantages of stand-alones are as follows:

More data points for finer resolution of curves and better management
Much faster processing
Typically has ability to data-log on-board
Easier to manipulate on-site for most platforms (reprogramming)
Availability to all platforms (unless there are space constraints)
Built to work in open loop
Lower overall cost if ECU platform has not yet been disassembled (code-wise)

Must be completely refit within new housing to meet rules
Must figure out starting point from scratch
More $$ initially
Easier to screw up if not done right (read: make engine blow up now)

Would you like some specifics?

Tip- Someone above mentioned about flatter curve. MUCH easier to achieve with aftermarket. Don't look at peak numbers, as they tell VERY little of the story.