Originally posted by lateapex911@Aug 30 2005, 06:37 AM
In terms of moving the car to ITB and using a stock manifold to restrict the power, that wheel number is too low to fit competitively.

A move to B would require, basically, 12 new wheels, (race, test and rain tire sets) a change in tire section, (due to lack of sizes avaible) which would likely result in an overall diameter change, necessitating the re-gearing of the axle.

Then there would be the testing and re-setup to accomodate the change in ride height and change in center of gravity.

A move to B isn't easy!
I understand your point; I think that ANY change will require a financial and sweat equity impact, and I don't want to minimize that fact. I think it is cheaper in the long run, though, than selling an uncompetitive car and buying/building a new car simply because it is (now) better classed.

The more I think about it, the more I like the idea of an overlap rule for recognized tweeners: race ITA at one weight with ITA wheels/rules, and ITB at a higher weight with ITB rules. No car should be classed as such as new, but I could see legacy cars being allowed the opportunity to compete in the lower class.