OK, this is a sordid story so don't let your kids see it. You see, a couple years ago I, umm, bought a basket case '71 MGB. It ran, sort of, and mostly my feet didn't poke through the floor. And it had this really swell blue fiberglass top with blue tinted glass (well, translucent plastic actually) to go with the really swell collection of different blue paints on the rest of the car. Except for the engine compartment, which had mostly been brush painted black. And it was only $750!
So I said, (use Ali G voice now "check yourself before you wreck yourself, whot be happnin' here is like total bargain, you'se be like mad to not totally, like, buy this..." Because, clearly, as I told others at the time, this was a car that merely needed some cosmetic work on the outside to make it presentable, and a tune-up to get it running well, and then I could drive it around town occasionally while fixing the inevitable charming, rustic, broken British bits. Think of driving twisty roads with your stringback gloves on out to picnics in the countryside with a wicker basket before doing a bit of punting on the Avon, ahh...
Needless to say, I've been doing a lot of welding for the last couple years, and now the chassis is in danger of being sound soon. Also needless to say, any car that I own has a tendency to appear in my mind's eye as a race car. I swear, I don't mean for this to happen, it just does... So, initially I was thinking of a vintage racer, but now I think it would be cool if it was also ITB legal. If you have read this far you have impressive powers of concentration, by the way. So, any opinions on an ITB MGB? It is light @ 2050 lb, and I think that the horsepower can creep into the 115 range. So, if you drove it hard that might be a mid pack car. My main interest is that it would be an open top car which I think is cool, but I admit that the aero will pretty much suck...