Beat the cold and have some Fun in the Sun at Homestead/Miami in mid-April!
Enjoy some of the best amateur endurance-racing to be found anywhere!

Dodge Neon team is seeking three crew members to assist our effort in the Kumho Tires Tropical 12 Hours at Homestead in April 2003.
We have over 100 hours of Endurance Racing experience and Podium finishes in Races from 3-24 hours in length.

Professional grade drivers and support insure a FUN TIME for all involved and easy crew duties! Calm, laid-back atmosphere.

Prefer local talent with Neon or prior endurance racing experience. Team supplies all incidentals, camaraderie, comic relief, and the adult beverages at the Victory Celebration after the event!

A better time will not be had by anyone!

Respond to:
Edwin Robinson
[email protected]