Originally posted by Diane:
Joe, I am trying *not* to get another wheel size. But yes, I can use either size and I do understand it's the total diameter that will make a difference. I'll be honest and say I didn't look to see which sizes were available in 13's, it may turn out they are so close to the 15's it doesn't matter.

I also have Dirt Stockers on 13's but I just got them this summer and haven't used them yet. The rain lap times are slow enough so that I don't have that 4th gear problem though. LOL

Greg, thanks for the formula, I'll dig into 13" sizes and crunch some numbers

Still hoping someone out there tried it.


I've got a set of 13X61/2 I ran in ITB if you want them $100+whatever freight.

[This message has been edited by stroubelan (edited December 17, 2003).]