Originally posted by ITCCRX:
So does anyone know of a 200 sx SER in ITS?
Or maybe someone planning to build one?
To my knowledge it has not been classified in IT.

If you would like to petition it, I can help you pull together the pertinent figures for it. I know of several people who are racing the Sentra SE-R/NX2000 in ITS and in all likelihood, I'll be racing one next month

Right now, classification is the biggest issue (although it should be pretty much a rubber stamp affair). If/when you are looking for development parts, I and a few others here can help point you in the right direction.

It should be in ITS and it's eligible now, but it's just not classified yet. So no, I don't know of anyone building a 200SX SE-R yet for ITS. I do know of at least two in the NASA SE-R Cup series.

BTW, if there is any specific information regarding this car or building one to IT specs that you're looking for, I'm sure I can provide it or get it to you.

George Roffe
Houston, TX

84 944 ITS car under construction
92 ITS Sentra SE-R occasionally borrowed

[This message has been edited by Geo (edited October 12, 2002).]