<font face=\"Verdana, Arial\" size=\"2\">...NX1600...might make good ITA racers</font>
Interesting question. I can't offer a qualified answer, but I can tell you that I am building an NX2000 for ITS. I've competed twice in it and I've yet to beat the winning Honda CRX driver's times. (Tom Blaney)

My car's forte is weight and brakes. I think that it's likely I will evolve the car and driver combo to be faster than ITA, but I just can't imagine trying to do it with 30-40 less horsepower, smaller brakes (and drum rears, right?), and a wider-ratio economy transaxle. The GA16 is a very good engine, but it's down on power compared to the Honda engine.

The legal weight for the ITS NX2000 is 2490 (and the SE-R is 2450), so you could do some comparitive analysis to guesstimate what weight they'd classify it at (SCCA will not release the figures it uses to determine legal weight for IT cars.)

If you'd like to pursue it I'd be glad to help you, but with a quick glance of the numbers I think it would be a long row to hoe to be competitive.

It would be a hell of a lot of fun to try, though...
