Engine dyno is $500/day.

Sounds expensive, but more changes can be done in one day than 4-10 race weekends.

Every one I do, I think about doubling the price when I look at how long it really takes me.

Has to be scheduled WAY ahead - MANY restrictions:
Can't run it during working hours, after about 9:30, Thursday nights (farmers market behind me), many weekend afternoons and evenings if they are having a concert in the STUPID concert area they built behind me!!, anytime the condos 2 blocks away call the cops about "that loud chain saw place again", etc etc.

Rotary ONLY, doubt any OEM fuel injection would be cost effective - WAY too many sensors, boxes, and wires to pull out of the car. It would be most of a full day just to wire/hook everything up.

Break-in is NOT included !!! I break-in ALL race motors AT LEAST 6 hours with variable load. Rough "break-in" cost on a fresh engine is maybe $300 ??
Costs are human time only - extras are gas (a LOT), jets, plugs, filters, gaskets, etc.

I normally do not charge any break-in time on engines we build. A Pro7 engine (and probably ITA) would normally be done in max of one day and it's easiest to get it set up and ready to run on a Friday night, then dyno on Saturday.

I supply the ear plugs, and I encourage the customer to come and help (but I DO make you work). I find it very good for the customer to see what happens with various changes, and know why the changes are made.
