
However, I can tell on my car when it is rebuild time by how much oil accumulates in the dump tank during a session.

It gets progressively worse over time with some variations due to ambient temperature (the hotter, the more oil comes out).

While I own a leak down tester, I've never had to use it.

When the dump tank overflows during a session, it's time for a rebuild. If I keep running a few more weekends, I'm turned into a real EXXON VALDEZ.

It is always ring/cylinder bore wear in my case.

Compression testing is not much of a help unless you are diagnosing a sudden problem. Also, since compression is linked to cam timing, one car's readings are somewhat useless to those of another car owner; even without vernier cam pulleys, many things can effect and alter cam timing on engines.
Hence, a compression test goal is reading variations among the cylinders and not the gauge's reading for an individual cylinder.