Originally posted by il8apex:

The part I really don't know is the limited prep. How limited is it? Any idea when we'll see the classification, Matt?

Tom / Dan,

I think the difference in the motor is compression. You can do "whatever you need to" to raise the compression to the spec. I understand that to be running trick pistons, shaving the block and head, and some other tricks!

I'm not sure when to expect the specs, but the sooner the better! I'm going to start the prep for ITS and see how far I get. I've got the trans w/ the welded diff and hoepfully a different final drive. The motor is "on hold" for now pending classification (and fund$).

Either way, I should be ready for VIR in March. (Regional/Enduro) Great track!

I'd like to run Nationals, but I'm not sure the first year for [prod. is a good time to switch.

My wife is not fond of me working on the car... She enjoys Showroom Stock and has hinted several times that if this turns into working on the car all the time, we will be getting a new SS car! I think this is a WIN/WIN situation for me!!!!!

Matt Downing