They'll be sorry that they picked on Kirk. He'll show them 'cuz he's gonna just start cheating like a big mo'fo, starting with using steel thinner than the stock roof when he covers his sunroof hole. He's also gonna refer to himself in the third person from now on, like any good loonie. Bwah-hah-HAH!

Seriously - this stuff is going to continue until a critical mass of entrants takes it into their own hands, steps up, and starts policing itself. The system requires it and it ain't gonna change.


[This message has been edited by Dr. Chaos (edited September 17, 2004).]

[This message has been edited by It's Dr. Chaos!(edited September 17, 2004).]

[This message has been edited by Dammit you guys - I SAID that It's DR. CHAOS!! Quit changing it back to Knestis!!! AACK!(edited September 17, 2004).]

[This message has been edited by Knestis (edited September 17, 2004).]