"...Soren Loree of Albuquerque uses a multi - car goose neck to haul the Miatas he races and rents. 3 or 4 cars I seem to recall."

That's correct, he hauls four Miatas on an open aluminum goose, towed with an F450. I know he carefully researched weights, and made sure that he wouldn't go over 26K combined. All the vehicles are his; there's no haul-for-hire issues. Even so, he is routinely hassled in Arizona for no CDL. He told me that the Arizona highway patrol cited him a few years ago, he had to go back for a court date a month or so later, the judge dismissed the charges, and to this day he carries a copy of the judges letter. He has to get it out occasionally when he tows to or through Arizona.

Ty Till
#16 ITS
Rocky Mountain Division