...of them evil 240Z things...

Watsa matter, did some old carburated Datsun lap you? Heh, don't worry, I know the feeling. There's a guy out of Boulder with an RX-7 that I can't even keep in sight until I start to see him in my mirrors. Besides, IIRC the last time we were on track together both of our cars broke so I don't want to hear it.

January/February sounds good. In March I'll probably be at Arroyo Seco down on the NM/Mexico border, and in November I'm planning on Phoenix, so I'll have a couple of dead months to fill.

...spring rate is k = (d^4)G / 8(D^3)Na ...

I'll have to dig out my Roark's Forumla's. I don't do much material mechanics in my current job. Thanks for giving me something to think about.

Ty Till
#16 ITS
Rocky Mountain Division