The final resolution of the case will never be known. But from the court records.

1. The Jury awarded $200,000 for compensatory Damages, Pain Suffering, disfigurement, medical expenses, etc.The victum was found to be 20% at fault and so that amount was reduced to $160,000.

2. The Jury also awarded $2,700,000 in punitive damaged, usually when they find the conduct of the Defendant is reckless, callous and wilfull.

3. The Judge in a action called a remitter reduced that amount to $480,000, or 3x the compensatory damages.

4. The parties settled in a sealed agreement as far as I know.

We have more important things in America to worry about, that comes on Election Day.

Whatever you choice Please Vote.

Wouldn't you like to be one of the estimated 120,000,000 Americans who vote in the upcoming election. I hope you would.

Love "the commander"
Mike Cefalo