Just saying hi...

If you remember on your journey back from Summit Point a black Chevy Colorado with a slightly awake passenger (young looking male) who woke up and gave a wave that was me...

My girlfriend was driving and I was sleeping (whats better than that... I mean the sleeping part while she is driving, I hate being awake to see what she is really doing). Anyway when we passed you she woke me up and I looked in the mirror and told her to slow down... that urge to see other SCCA racers cars came in. So we slowed down checked out the car and the "Got Beer" sticker and then we passed you again... anyway just wanted to say nice looking car!!!

Raymond "I hope this is the right person" Blethen

PS: You are the blue and white ITC VW right?


RST Performance Racing
1st and 2nd 2003 ITB NARRC Championship
1st and 6th 2003 ITB NERRC Championship
3rd 2003 ITB ARRC Sprint Race
4th 2003 ITB ARRC Endoro
1st 2003 AS NERRC and NARRC Championships