A lot of ineresting points raised here. From almost as many years' perspective as Dick's, the major challenge to putting on a good, safe, fun event is the number or available bodies for all functions. The 3 regions in the NARRC series draw upon the same pool and as far as road racing goes, have pretty much informally but effectively done what Ray proposed as far as road racing is concerned. However, for me, there are more NARRC races than I have time to attend, so I like the presence of the NERRC series as well.

Looking at it another way, however, SOME poeple in the other specialities (Solo for sure and perhaps rally) would also like their own series without having to travel all over New England. There have been rumblngs of setting up a second region within the 6 New England states - particularly in Maine, for the purpose of running a more "local" Solo 2 program with its own championship series. This is very much how regions originally were born.

Phil Gott