Originally posted by dickita15:
just as a historical curiosity.
well it is history now but about six years ago there was an effort to break up the biggest regions. it was the year of the san diego national convention, I was ner re that year and the re's meeting at the convention was pretty heated. the spokesman for the bod in this debate was the southeast director, I can't recall his name K.P. something. NER got very good support from the rest of the northeast in that argument. it may also have been the only time in history that NER and San Fransisco wre on the same side of an argument. I find it interesting that this effort only lasted one year. it dawnwd on the bod that the "cost to serve" was much higher for smaller regions, meaning the national office incures a cost to do business with each region regardless of size. it does not cost that much more for the national office to do business with ner as misery bay but with ner the get 4000 dues check vs 98.

Thanks for the first hand insight. Interestingly enough, I didn't hear it from you.