Originally posted by Bill Miller:

More double talk Andy. And where did the 'faster than the benchmark in ITC' phrase come from? First time I've seen it in this discussion. I thought we were talking about the performance parameters for a given class?

And who said anything about FORCING anything? From day one, I've supported using a published formula as a GUIDELINE.

And as far as these dyno numbers that you're basing decisions on, the comments on lap times, etc. pretty much hold true. Are the motors legal? Have you looked at the same motor on different dynos? Were the numbers corrected for atmospheric conditions? Etc. Etc.

You "HIDE NOTHING"? Hubberbucket!

There are just some things that WOULD NOT benefit the members if we tried to FORCE them into a formula.

The arrogance of that statement is simply amazing. :roll:


I used a new phrase to help you understand what I am trying to tell you. Your request asked about ITB and ITC. If we think that GTI would be faster than the benchmak cars in ITC, it would obviously exceed that performance envelope. No double talk, just simple logic. You forget I have a top VW builder in my backyard that I can call at anytime for info.

From now on, let's just agree not to communicate. We don't see things on the same wavelength - I have received many e-mails suggesting the same.

I will say this in closing to you; my statement was far from arrogant. You don't seem to understand this simple fact: You can't expect anyone to use a formula or process without all the data/variables/information - whatever. I couldn't do it, you couldn't do it, who could? All it would do would frustrate the members who tried. These missing bits of info are moving targets...it's food for conversation on a one-on-one level because you can explain every little nuance and thought process...it's not for general consumption where you would get a bad taste in your mouth for lack of the full picture.

I am done. Take your personal shots, it doesn't matter. Keep up the great work. Seen much activity from other ITAC members here lately? I am right behind them.


(Edit: Sorry Jake - too late, but done... )
Andy Bettencourt
New England Region, R188967

[This message has been edited by Andy Bettencourt (edited June 20, 2005).]