Originally posted by Knestis:
Sorry RandallH - my question wasn't clear. I know where the rule "comes from" but was wondering what was behind its inception. It just seems so "inconsistent with the class philosophy", to allow parts off of a completely different model--are they a GM part number "supercession" or something?


You know, it's scarry how much you and I think alike. I remember seeing this in the GCR and it raised my eyebrows and made me scratch my head. I agree that it seems at cross purposes w/ 'class philosphy', and the only way I could rationalize it was that you couldn't get the stock brakes any more and the Saturn brakes were what the dealers were selling as replacements. Otherwise, I don't see how you call it anything but a 'competition adjustment'. Nah, couldn't be, there are no CA's in IT!

John, can you shed some light on why the Saturn brakes are allowed. Were the Saturns built on the same chassis as the Olds?

MARRS #25 ITB Rabbit GTI