Originally posted by Kolin Aspegren:

Going over the scales at the Sebring
National the tech inspector sticks his
head in my car and tells me that I should
have my pin pulled on my 2.5lbs hand held.
He then proceeds to tell to not even keep
the pin in the car but to throw it away.
The tech guy then tells me that he will
let it slide this time but next event he
will throw me out. Feeling all exicited
about a killer drive and finish I respond
with a ok and let it drop. Now my question
to the rule gods here is can anyone tell
me where it says this in the gcr. I looked
with no such luck.


My understanding is that your pin should be pulled (and hopefully hanging from a lanyard for replacing after the session)on the false grid so that anytime during the session you can pop the handle in the event of a fire.

He was probably upset because he assumed you had the pin in during the session when in order to fire the thing you must have the pin out. My understanding is that the pin is supposed to be pulled during a session. But, you may have pointed out to him that hand-helds (still allowed in IT) at least must be unlatced before they can be used which would be a great deal more difficult than pulling your pin. So your minor infraction was just that. And as far as throwing away the pin, ask him if he is willing to clean up your car in case of an inadvertant discharge without an emergency.

Just my understanding of the way things are, you may hear more informed responses.
G. Robert Jones

Sorry C
Kolin, I thought you had an onboard system. Disregard all after "Kolin."
Another lesson in failing to read closely.

[This message has been edited by grjones1 (edited January 20, 2005).]