Note that the caliper is partially insulated from the piston by the fluid as well as by the problem seals themselves. Ducting may remove heat from the caliper, but keeping the heat away from the piston in the first place seems to be the main requirement here (unless the problem rubber seals can be replaced with something having a higher melting point, maybe silicone -- my guess is that the British rubber is more natural than other possible sources).

Pad insulating shims have been discussed. The shims must be heat insulators (like ceramic) rather than heat conductors (like metal, and maybe carbon -- can someone check me on that? -- it's been nearly 20 years since RPI engineering school).

You might also consider the heat transfer properties of the pad material itself. In your particular situation (piston seal heat failures), you should probably try a pad material that is *not* a good heat conductor. Thus, choose high ceramic content rather than high metallic content.

Just some race-only advice from one lawyer to another. Cheers!