Guys, many thanks for the thoughts. I'll try to answer your questions below:

1. Bead blasting the calipers -- never thought of that. They are off, so I might as well try.

2. Insulation between pad and piston. Kirk, I tried metal shims. HATED the pedal feel and besides, it didn't work. Had someone suggest smearing silicon on the back of the pad as an insulator. Will try that. Question for you: I'm a lawyer, not an engineer. I just sue people, and don't have enough experience actually doing somehing useful like building things. What is a heat sink?

3. I have not tried temp sensing paint on the calipers to see what is getting hot. Good idea, and I will try that.

4. Rims are Panasport Ultralights. About as good as you can get weight, air flow and heat transfer wise I suspect in 13" size.

5. I will duct the caliper, I have not done that previously.

6. I just installed a proportioning valve to make sure I am using the rears (I've gone a season and a half without significant wear on the rear shoes). So, up until mid-summer, I was not using the rears enough. Now, I am using them just short of the point of locking up the rears, and I'm still have the problems up front.

7. Pads. I've run Hawk Blues and the PFC. Much prefer the PFCs. Have not run the BLues since I started having these problems, maybe I should. Have not tried Carbotechs.

Back to the woodshed this weekend. Fortunately, Roebling is easy on brakes so I'm hoping I can make it through the weekend without a melt through.

Thanks again guys.
