
Type: Posts; User: jjjanos

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  1. And it has not been established that this...

    And it has not been established that this proposal is less expensive.

    Which undercuts one of the points used to support the switch.

    Which is not a point that supports the switch. There...
  2. Read the post again. I wasn't talking about...

    Read the post again. I wasn't talking about tires..... :)

    Having spectated at the 24-hour race at VIR (per the boy's request), those who envision cross-overs are smoking crack. If I read the rules...
  3. Replies

    To immediately suspend the membership of Michael...

    To immediately suspend the membership of Michael P. Ross (405680) for a period of six months so that a formal review committee can convene to review his conduct and make a recommendation to the BoD...
  4. Let's be honest. Those of us who need to...

    Let's be honest.

    Those of us who need to maintain momentum and consequently go in deeper and come out harder all the time, don't have a problem with premature use of their rubber. We can make...
  5. Then combine T, ST Limited Prep Prod and IT into...

    Then combine T, ST Limited Prep Prod and IT into a single category. Instead of 45 cars spread across 15 classes, you have 45 cars spread over 5.

    We can equalize performance by giving mods points....
  6. There is no Goldilocks tire for my car. The idea...

    There is no Goldilocks tire for my car. The idea has surface merit. Someone needs to test the water to see if the promised benefits are real.

    I've been associated with this club since 1973 --...
  7. Tracking #24834 I am writing regarding the...

    Tracking #24834

    I am writing regarding the proposal to require a 200TW tire in IT. I am opposed at this time as I believe the asserted benefits do not exist or do not exceed the cost of such a...
  8. Data? I love data! Please post the actual data...

    Data? I love data! Please post the actual data that includes the following -- temperature, number of heat cycles on the tire, number of laps run on the tire, tire brand and type and lap times for the...
  9. Submitting today. I’ll let ya know.

    Submitting today. I’ll let ya know.
  10. Oh, has anyone actually researched what 200TW...

    Oh, has anyone actually researched what 200TW means?

    We have no idea what the true TW of purple crack might be. Manufacturers are allowed to put LOWER ratings on their tires. For competition...
  11. Cost savings? Where? You have just suggested...

    Cost savings? Where? You have just suggested opening up wheel sizes. I and and a bunch of the smaller tire guys will need to buy new final drives or new cars.
    we will shave the hell out of these...
  12. Amen! Hallelujah! Exactly.

    Amen! Hallelujah! Exactly.
  13. The status quo works for pretty much everyone...

    The status quo works for pretty much everyone NOW. We essentially have a spec tire — purple crack.

    What they want is a significant change that, for some, will is an illusion. They WILL shave...
  14. And this matters why? My apologies. I...

    And this matters why?

    My apologies. I thought you were making a serious proposal. The tell was when you said racers won’t waste money to gain an advantage and we don’t create rules for...
  15. Replies

    Why is Regional Racing the stepchild that eats...

    Why is Regional Racing the stepchild that eats with the dogs?
    1. Because Topeka doesnÂ’t make $ on Regionals. It makes money on the Runoffs and the qualifying races it does.
    2. Because until about...
  16. Replies

    No, no, no. It goes “All right then. Other...

    No, no, no.

    It goes “All right then. Other then the sanitation, medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh-water system and public health...”

    It is the run what you...
  17. Thread: ITAC News.

    by jjjanos

    Sticky: Well that's a no-brainer. German-French relations...

    Well that's a no-brainer. German-French relations improved too with the move of the government seat from Paris to Vichy.

    "A running theme during all of the discussions above was about the ...
  18. Sticky: Nope. SCCA is free to adopt any standards it...

    Nope. SCCA is free to adopt any standards it wants. E.g. until the BoD screwed us over on H&N Restraints, SCCA had no requirement.
  19. Thread: April Fastrack

    by jjjanos

    Translation: We are going to ignore the...

    Translation: We are going to ignore the membership and continue to do what we want.

    No. The CRB is free to ignore ITAC recommendations/requests. Though, now that the Vichy ITAC is...
  20. Replies

    It is possible to do both - test/tune and get...

    It is possible to do both - test/tune and get instruction. Ya just need someone you can trust making the changes to the car you want while you sit in the classroom.
  21. Replies

    April 3- FATT on Shenandoah April 16 - FATT on...

    April 3- FATT on Shenandoah
    April 16 - FATT on SPR
    April 21 - Colonial Challenge Cup (

    There's always the school this weekend,...
  22. Charlie, How old were the the tires you were...


    How old were the the tires you were using? How many seasons are on your motor? I know that the little Hondas were running fresh rubber and 2 of 3 had brand-new motors this season (and the...
  23. Replies

    IT weights can be changed at anytime

    We all know that the IT-section of the GCR says..

    At the end of a vehicle’s fourth year of Improved Touring classification, an assessment of class equity shall be made and the vehicle’s minimum...
  24. Replies

    I beg to differ. The weights on the newly...

    I beg to differ.

    The weights on the newly classified cars are not repeatable.
    The reason for the weights are not transparent and the CRB went out of their way to hide information.
    Members of the...
  25. Replies

    Terry, Will there be a test day on Friday...


    Will there be a test day on Friday during the day - either track-run or region run?

Results 1 to 25 of 500
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