Hi Bob, it's Court. How's everything still going up in La Crosse, WI? Hey, I have a question regarding your Type-R. I believe you mentioned that you went back to the stock ECU on it. (OBD2) I assume all the emissions are ripped off the car though—I don't remember what it looked like under the hood. I assume the CEL light was pulled on it. My question is, what can you all rip off the vehicle without the OBD2 ECU putting the car into limp mode? Or do you know who I could ask to find out? Thanks. Court
Hey Bob! I am highly interested in getting my 2002 Civic Si prepped for IT. As to which class i'll be able to compete in i am unsure. I still have to get the car stuck into an appropriate class. It's looking like it's going to be ITS.... I was hoping for ITA however we'll see. Anyway you mentioned a while ago about your buddy in LaCrosse WI that did fabrication. Would he really do that much for $2500?
Bob, Interested in your ITS Del Sol, have thought about a Del Sol Si in ITA. Could you describe how you dealt with the cage (main hoop braces) or send pics. Thanks, Ed [email protected]