Conversation Between Lynn77 and JeffYoung

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Jeff,

    Thanks for the help and the insight to things. If you get a chance send me the contact for the tuner you used with the Megasquirt system. e-mail is [email protected]
  2. Hello Lynn. Yes, call me. 919-395-2319 or email me at [email protected]. I have some pretty strong feelings about Haltech/Motec/Megasquirt. I spent $15k on one install that never worked, and $1500 on one that works beautifully.

    Get in touch and let's talk.


  3. Jeff
    I am setting my RX7 up with a new EMS and I see you did the same a couple of years ago I need some advice because I don't know enough to get this done on my own. Can you give me your e-mail or phone and offer some of your expertise thanks Lynn
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