Conversation Between Charles Perry and Parrish57

6 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey Charles, are you coming to the double SARRC at CMP Memorial day weekend?
  2. Steve, when are you headed to Roebling, Thursday or Friday?
  3. Charles... It was fun trying to chase you guys down.. I hope you make it o Barber in September. My cell is 8034876570. Steve
  4. Sorry asked the same question a couple of months ago! Just saw that when I posted this note.
    Are you Z guys all pitting together?
  5. Steve, where are you staying in Camden?
  6. Steve,
    thinking about coming to Kershaw. Where do you stay in Camden?
    Did you figure out what is up with the Z?
    Charles Perry
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6