Conversation Between pavis and jhooten

2 Visitor Messages

  1. The Lone Star BOD is planning to schedule all of our events next year under that plan. I hope the regional guys show up. I was the board member who pushed for all of out RN weekend to also have a restricted regional after the national on Sunday. The regional drivers really helped me out to keep that going with an average car count of 8 for the Sunday regional after 40 IT cars ran the Saturday regional. The Board decided it was not economical to pay a second regional sanction fee for 8 cars. Whine an snivel all you want about not having double weekends, we (Lone Star Region) tried and the regional drivers voted with their entry fee checks or lack there of.

    BTW, look at the division schedule for the rest of the year. Houston has a NN next weekend. Then the Runoffs break before two RR events, one in Oct at Eagles canyon and one in Nov at MSRH (both of which are over two hundred mile tows for me).
  2. Hi Jerry-
    There are plenty of regional/national events in the southwest division. Problem is, I (and other IT drivers I speak with) don't want to tow my car xxx miles to only race one day if I am an IT participant. I spoke with R. David Jones about adopting the Colorado plan for R/N weekends and that would allow IT to race both days.
    Most R/R envents struggle to make money in our Division. This is not the case in other Divisions where IT turnout is very high.
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