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Terry Hanushek
01-11-2014, 04:48 PM
The Jersey Racing Board (Northern New Jersey and South Jersey Regions) and New Jersey Motorsports Park announce the fifth running of The Devil in the Dark 12 Hour endurance race on NJMP's Thunderbolt Circuit. The 2014 edition will be held on Saturday, 26 April 2014 and will again run from noon to midnight. There will be an SCCA Test Day on Friday, 25 April for 12 Hour competitors and other closed wheel cars.

This race is a continuation of the successful events run in the past four years. The format and rules will be very similar to last year with a no major changes from previous years' events. The open refueling rule is being retained as well as the consolidated endurance classes introduced in 2012. There may be some fine tuning of the endurance classes. If you missed The Devil last year, be sure to put it on your calendar for this year.

The entry package will be posted on the DLB (http://www.dlbracing.com/) online registration system in a week or so. Registration will open on 1 February 2014.

More participants, more fun in 2014!



01-12-2014, 02:45 AM
Can't wait!!! Time for us to start working on a driver line up for the RX8!


Terry Hanushek
01-17-2014, 08:01 PM
This year for the first time ChumpCars and LeMons conforming to the NJRRS LeChump rules (http://www.njrrs.com/LeChump-Rules.pdf) will be eligible for The Devil in the Dark. This is an ideal opportunity for teams to participate in an SCCA 12 hour day-night enduro.

If you have any questions on eligibility or licensing, please feel free to contact me - THanushek at rcn dot com

Hope to see ya at the The Devil


01-19-2014, 09:34 PM
I have seats in a Spec Miata or the whole car available for rent for the 12 hour race. This is the car I qualified on pole with for the Summer Thunder race. 1:35.0. This car also won the Pro IT championship. I can take care of everything, prep, tires, fuel, crew etc. just show up. If your interested, email me at kevin at techsportracing dot com
Kevin Anderson

01-20-2014, 01:02 AM

Didn't realize you also had 2 RX8's. We should get all them out on track together some time, maybe at the Devil in the Dark :)


01-20-2014, 09:24 AM
I dont think the rx8s will see the devil in the dark, but they are available if i can put drivers in them. I would like to get the SM on track in the devil though. I will have one of the 8's at Pocono in May. I am looking to focus more on testing in the spring then events. It is important to me that the cars do what they are supposed to before they show up at a race.

Terry Hanushek
01-28-2014, 12:13 AM
The Draft Schedule and Supps (http://www.dlbracing.com/download.filx?FileID=1829) for The Devil in the Dark have been posted on DLB (http://www.dlbracing.com) . Registration is scheduled to open on 1 February.

The most significant change for 2014 is an adjustment in the Endurance Classes to spread the eligible cars more evenly over the five classes. The three LeChump classes for ChumpCar and LeMons have been added this year. A new NEDiv class - Spec Miata Tire (SMT) - for Spec Miatas with a wider selection of tires has also been added.

There is no change to the race operations or procedures.

Hope to see ya at The Devil


01-30-2014, 09:29 AM
Thank you Terry!!! I'm very excited for this race, I got hooked last year and am with a new team this year... Driving, crewing or spotting, this will be a blast!

Am I correctly seeing, or not seeing actually, that there is no provision to run a street tire and drop a class this year?

Terry Hanushek
01-30-2014, 10:53 AM

The use of street tires in the next lower class was an experiment last year which will continue into this year. We are trying to get the right balance so that a street tired car is competitive without being an overdog - the normal racing conundrum.

As soon as you sign up with the RST team, Raymond and Stephen will be ready to go again this year with their Direzzas. :)

I am willing to talk with interested teams. Again, as last year, the number of teams participating in the experiment will be limited.

Lookin forward to seein ya at The Devil


01-30-2014, 04:19 PM
My plan is to run as an LCCx car. It's the 'easy button' in terms of being on street tires. Rules state you have to prove the car has competed in a LeChump race though, I've got one race in the log book with Chump.


01-31-2014, 12:37 AM

The use of street tires in the next lower class was an experiment last year which will continue into this year. We are trying to get the right balance so that a street tired car is competitive without being an overdog - the normal racing conundrum.

As soon as you sign up with the RST team, Raymond and Stephen will be ready to go again this year with their Direzzas. :)


I don't think running "down 1 class" is the best option, and that is the feedback we gave after the test. We were the fastest car in E3 and only because of the extra pit stops did we finish outside the top 3 in class. A reduction in weight is my suggestion... just not sure how much and I don't think we have the ability to test that since we can't get down to ITR weight as it sits.

If you would like to do the event, which in my opinion was an awesome event you can do it with us for $2200 in the RX8. We did 1:35's last year with Mr. Foley behind the wheel on street tires! He was the fastest car after dark as well!

PM me for more details...

Terry Hanushek
02-01-2014, 11:03 AM
Registration for The Devil in the Dark 2014 is open on DLB (http://www.dlbracing.com/).

Supps and Schedule (http://www.dlbracing.com/download.filx?FileID=1835) ... Register (http://www.dlbracing.com/clubs/sjr-scca/enduro.aspx?LMID=2935&EventID=5527) ... Entry List (http://www.dlbracing.com/Clubs/clubdrivers.aspx?LMID=2923&EventID=5527)

Six entries in the first half hour - good start.

The Friday afternoon Test Day is also open Register for Test Day (http://www.dlbracing.com/clubs/sjr-scca/enduro.aspx?LMID=2935&EventID=5543)

See ya at The Devil


02-04-2014, 10:02 PM
Soooo.... The Chumpcar World Series is racing the EXACT same weekend as us at NJMP? that is a strange pairing... intentional? How can we take advantage of this since their day ends at 4PM and we race into the night... We need to get ALL of them over to our race to watch us and party :)



PS: Terry, I also cannot figure out how to register on the devil in the dark website... I hit register and it just refreshes the screen. Am I missing a step or is it not working?

Terry Hanushek
02-05-2014, 12:26 AM

PS: Terry, I also cannot figure out how to register on the devil in the dark website... I hit register and it just refreshes the screen. Am I missing a step or is it not working?

I think the problem may be the Captcha (human verification). I failed the first time I tried to set up a new account but got it the second time. When it failed, it returned the blank registration screen and no message.

Give it another try and if it doesn't work I'll ask Darrell and Matt to look into it.


02-07-2014, 09:11 AM
Thanks for info guys!! Good work Terry and company, can't wait!!

Also: I will be working with Entropy Racing this year. We have seats (and whole cars) available for the race, some details below, call/contact me for more.

"Entropy Racing brings its years of endurance experience, with a nearly perfect finishing record and puts it to work for you. With a reliable, fun, competitive car, you can concentrate on the driving, we will take care of the rest.

Even with an excellent reliability record, we bring spare cars to help ensure that no one gets to go home early. We buy the entry fees, tires and fuel, bring the crew, hospitality and even our own coaches, just bring yourself and your gear. One price, everything included, even the test day.
One car is full, currently filling the second one. Accepting driver teams and individual drivers.

Contact Us:
570-682-9666 ask for Chris or Charlie
[email protected]"

These cars are a blast, I just starting racing them last year and I am hooked, come join the fun!!

Terry Hanushek
02-07-2014, 10:46 AM

I'm glad to see that you are helping Charlie at Entropy. I'm looking forward to the yellow cars returning to The Devil in the dark.

There is a very real possibility that all three generations of Spec Racer will compete in this year's event. That would definitely be a first for this venerable class.

Looking forward to seeing ya at The Devil


Terry Hanushek
02-18-2014, 11:40 AM
The Earlybird entry deadline for The Devil in the Dark 2014 is Noon on Friday, 21 February. Entries submitted before the deadline are eligible for the discounted entry fee.

See ya at The Devil


02-18-2014, 05:46 PM
Looks like I'll be there! It will be another interesting entry either way it goes.


02-19-2014, 09:18 AM
Since Kirk has announced........... I'll be there with Kirk and team! Really looking forward to it. It's been a long time since I've run an enduro..........

Terry Hanushek
02-19-2014, 10:09 AM
Kirk / Jeff

Glad you guys are going to make it this year

See ya at The Devil


02-19-2014, 10:34 PM
We are still looking for a 4th driver... Last year we finished a very respectful 7th place overall with the RX8 in our first ever "real" endurance race. We followed up that performance with another great finish at the VIR 13hr. It's a well balanced fun car to drive, and for $2,200 it's a bargain for this type of racing! Please e-mail [email protected] or call 603-738-6686 of you are interested!


Raymond and Stephen

04-02-2014, 11:59 AM
The illumaboards: we have to use the ones from Crucial that are linked in the Supps, right? Same topic, what is the tip/trick to mount them? Are they self-adhesive? I've heard they will tear if you try to remove them later, is that the case?

WTCF racing, we are in a 1989 Civic that will be in E5, it's an LCC car, we'll be on Dunlop Z2s, 3 drivers.

04-02-2014, 06:04 PM
I suggest using box tape wrapped around all the edges of the board. If you don't do this the top layer of the board will peel off if you use tape. Then use box tape over that to the car.


P.S. if you get ahold of them let me know. Our power module broke. :(

Terry Hanushek
04-03-2014, 12:06 AM

I suggest using box tape wrapped around all the edges of the board. If you don't do this the top layer of the board will peel off if you use tape. Then use box tape over that to the car.

Good idea, thanks for the suggestion

P.S. if you get ahold of them let me know. Our power module broke. :(

You should be able to contact them through the link in the Supps - let me know if there are any problems. Crucial has been very helpful with the glowboards in previous events. They are racers themselves and will be in the 88 BMW 325is this year. Let them know that we appreciate their support.

See ya at The Devil


04-11-2014, 10:46 AM
Since Kirk has announced........... I'll be there with Kirk and team! Really looking forward to it. It's been a long time since I've run an enduro..........

Are you guys running in the E5 Golf, is it an LCC car? Glad to see at least a couple more cars in E5. We are in an LCC3 Civic in E5.


Greg Amy
04-11-2014, 01:22 PM
Are you guys running in the E5 Golf, is it an LCC car? Glad to see at least a couple more cars in E5. We are in an LCC3 Civic in E5.
Brandon Lewis' ex-ITB Mk3 Golf in LCC3. - GA

Terry Hanushek
04-11-2014, 07:27 PM

Brandon Lewis' ex-ITB Mk3 Golf in LCC3.

Is this the "Spirit of Pablo"?

I'm glad to see some cars taking advantage of our LeChump rules.


Greg Amy
04-11-2014, 07:37 PM
Is this the "Spirit of Pablo"?
Yup, 'purt much.

See y'all there.


04-11-2014, 09:56 PM
Technically, I don't think Brandon's Golf was ever an ITB car. He sold the blue one he had. This one's been a LeChumper since birth. I THINK, anyway. I drove it at the NMJP LeMons race last year and it's actually pretty nice to wheel.


04-13-2014, 10:38 AM
Any seats out there? Any drivers looking? I have cars and asses, but no the proper ratio...

46 entries already and I know of at least three more!!

uhh... I couldn't get to reg from the event website... Am I missing something?

04-20-2014, 06:12 PM
Any one know if we are able to get access to track Thursday night. If so what time are we owed in?

Terry Hanushek
04-20-2014, 09:22 PM

Any one know if we are able to get access to track Thursday night. If so what time are we owed in?

There are no official activities at the track on Thursday night. However, Devil in the Dark participants will be allowed in on Thursday evening.



04-21-2014, 01:03 PM
Do they have Wi-Fi? Thought about bringing I racing for Thursday night :-) NJ is downloaded...


04-21-2014, 02:26 PM
A couple of event questions.

1. I understand the numbers and class letters will be provided. Will these be the E class letters, IE E5? If so, is it necessary to put on our actual car base class lettering too, along with weight? IE, LCC3.

2. I have two team members that will need weekend memberships. Where do I go to get them these, and what's the cost?


Terry Hanushek
04-21-2014, 04:08 PM

Do they have Wi-Fi? Thought about bringing I racing for Thursday night :-) NJ is downloaded...

There is wi-fi at the track. I cannot comment on its strength or location but I suspect the closer to the tower, the better you will be.

During the race we will be broadcasting rMonitor in the pit area and it should be available to all teams.

See ya at The Devil


Terry Hanushek
04-21-2014, 04:15 PM

1. I understand the numbers and class letters will be provided. Will these be the E class letters, IE E5? If so, is it necessary to put on our actual car base class lettering too, along with weight? IE, LCC3.

We will be distributing the 'E' class decals. That is the only class designation required. All cars must display their minimum weight, if there is a minimum weight for their designated class. The weight should be the regulation weight with no the driver adjustment.

2. I have two team members that will need weekend memberships. Where do I go to get them these, and what's the cost?

There will be a separate station at Registration for weekend memberships. The cost is $15 and this amount may be applied to the first year membership fee if the individual becomes a regular member.

See ya at The Devil


04-21-2014, 07:35 PM
Time to practice... We will be hosting an iRacing session at NJMP tonight at 10:00pm... Should be open for a few hours!

Raymond "I am down to a 1:33 with the Miata, where you at?" Blethen

Edit: Session started... Password is "Devil"

04-22-2014, 11:43 AM

See ya at The Devil


Terry, you rock!

Thanks for your effort in putting this together!


Terry Hanushek
04-22-2014, 07:34 PM
In 1966 during its inaugural season, the Trans-Am series visited the 12 Hours of Marlboro, a direct predecessor of The Devil in the Dark. The race at Marlboro was already an established sedan endurance race. Bob Tullius and Tony Adamowicz won the 12 Hour race that year over a field of international drivers and factory race cars driving Bob's factory 1966 Dodge Dart.


The 12 Hour was suspended in 1969 when Marlboro Raceway closed. The race was dormant for many years until it was revived in 1999 at Summit Point as the 12 Hours at the Point. The race flourished for eleven years as the premier endurance race for showroom stock and improved touring type vehicles. In 2010 the race move to its current home at New Jersey Motorsports Park where it was renamed The Devil in the Dark.

The year Robert Benson and his brother James are entering their first 12 Hour race with Robert's venerable 1966 Dodge Dart.

3641Photo by Hotlap Photo

Do you think that history can repeat itself? Will Lightning strike twice at the fifth running of The Devil in the Dark at NJMP? We will see on 26 April.

I hope to see ya at The Devil


Terry Hanushek
04-23-2014, 05:46 PM

Time to practice... We will be hosting an iRacing session at NJMP tonight at 10:00pm... Should be open for a few hours!

Raymond "I am down to a 1:33 with the Miata, where you at?" Blethen

Edit: Session started... Password is "Devil"

I don't recall seeing a race report from this session. What happened? Who was fast? Was there really going to be a protest of that 1:33 Miata? http://www.improvedtouring.com/forums/images/smilies/smile.gif Inquiring minds want to know.


04-27-2014, 03:03 AM
Holy hell was that fun.


04-28-2014, 08:14 AM
I agree! We had a blast! Time to rip the car all apart and rebuild it for our first race in 4 weeks time! :-)

Terry Hanushek
04-28-2014, 03:46 PM
What a great event - 12 hours of racing with an 18.327 second margin of victory. Great race, good weather and a new overall lap record of 442 laps (994.5 miles).

The Jersey Racing Board would like to thank all of the teams who participated in this year's race. We enjoyed putting it on and hope that you enjoyed it as well.

Race Results


1. Elgin Racing Boss 302R - 442 laps
2. Johnstone Supply Racing BMW M3 - 442 laps
3. STR BMW M3 - 422 laps


1. Yushino / RST Performance Mazda RX8 - 417 laps
2. Team Troxel BMW 325is - 411 laps
3. Miskoe Motorsports Mazda Miata - 408 laps


1. Dewspeed Mazda Miata - 413 laps
2. Flatout Motorsports - Mazda Miata - 408 laps
3. Flatout Motorsports - Mazda Miata - 405 laps


1. Main Line Overland / Henwood Motorsports - 408 laps
2. Entropy Racing Sports R - 405 laps
3. Entropy Racing Sports R - 403 laps


WCTF Racing / Frisky Dingo Honda Civic - 383 laps
Maximum Attach Motorsports VW Golf - 375 laps

Complete results should be available on the NEDiv website (http://www.nediv.com/images/results/clubracing/regional/2014/140426-ditd-results.pdf)

We had positive comments and close, competitive racing in all five of our endurance classes. We invite comments on its structure and future use.

Mark your calendars for 25 April 2015


04-29-2014, 07:59 AM
Terry, great event! We had a blast! Despite our plan to run a car in E1, had problems with that car and moved to a car that was the slowest out there! :) You gotta hand it to the two Lemons cars. Both finished the full 12 hours with NO problems!! Out of 51 cars we ended up 28th over all. Hats off to the Blethens. They had to pit every hour for fuel and still managed an imressive win

I was really wondering why the winning Mustang was still pulling off such risky passes after 11 hours, 45 minutes. I didnt realize that second was that close behind. I was also impressed with the hot pulls the track did to keep things running. Just a few FCY and when we did have them, only lasted a couple of laps.

Only feed back I have was on the registration process on Friday............. but I'm guessing you already knew that! LOL

04-29-2014, 11:18 AM
In terms of feedback, I REALLY prefer - and i think my teammates would have enjoyed - the 10-to-10 schedule rather than noon-to-midnight. I know the event sets itself apart with the night racing but it's rough on crews, and more importantly I think it REALLY imposes on workers. FWIW.


04-29-2014, 04:00 PM
I agree with Kirk. The 12 hour at Summit ran from 12 to 12, and 11 to 11. Workers asked for less night time and the BOD changed it to 9 to 9. Drivers balked and didn't enter since they wanted more night driving than a 9 PM in June. The BOD then decided that endurance racing was dying due to lack of entries and pulled the plug. The good folks in NJ picked up the event and the rest is good history. Perhaps a poll of workers and drivers can reach a consensus on the best start/stop time. But my vote is 10 to 10.

04-29-2014, 09:15 PM
Cool updates - way to go RST!

04-29-2014, 10:28 PM
Thanks Ben! Turning low 34's on street tires after 7 hours with no 5th or 6th gear was my highlight! (Eventhough I wasn't driving). 4th overall was pretty darn cool to!

Well you already know that we waisted hours of moving stuff for the no parking area that wasn't in the supps.
You also know about having pace car rules in the supps or we will file a protest against the stewards.
And Ya as mentioned this is the second year in a row that registration was a complete disaster. Tech opens at 10am but registration opens at 11 1hr before testing starts for hundreds if not a thousand people. I recommend thursday night registration and 8am registration at the latest friday am.

Personally I like the noon to midnight but Ya I get the no party thing that late...
I also agree with the motorcycle thoughts but I think we are supposed to be out and would be surprised if terry doesn't here from the track about several teams still around at 11.


04-29-2014, 10:35 PM
Just reread my post and I don't want to sound to negative. Everything was handled professionally and dealt with immediately. Even the registration line they tried to make better immediately which credit has to be given to these organizers for trying even if things went wrong.


gran racing
04-30-2014, 08:37 AM
Drivers balked and didn't enter since they wanted more night driving than a 9 PM in June.

How many hours of night driving happen between the two events if in NJ it were 10 to 10? A few variables impact this including time of year.

Greg Amy
04-30-2014, 08:41 AM
How many hours of night driving happen between the two events if in NJ it were 10 to 10? A few variables impact this including time of year.

I ran the dusk shift, from ~6:15 to ~8:15 and it was totall dark at the end. Official civilian sunset was ~7:45.

Terry Hanushek
04-30-2014, 11:12 AM
Dave / Greg

How many hours of night driving happen between the two events if in NJ it were 10 to 10? A few variables impact this including time of year.

Lights are required to be on at 7:45 PM. It is basically dark from 8:00 PM to midnight.


05-02-2014, 12:42 PM
Great event, as always. Good class win and overall finish for the Blethens, they've worked hard to get there.

Dark/light - well less dark driving makes it less enduro-ish, but I understand the needs that drive an earlier start/stop time.

Will the results (and all the individual laps) get posted on Mylaps? I've looked but not seen them as of yet.

05-02-2014, 01:36 PM
Will the results (and all the individual laps) get posted on Mylaps? I've looked but not seen them as of yet.

Also, will fast laps count toward track records? I could have the LCC3 track record...until the next LCC3 car shows up! :) :smilie_pokal:

Greg Amy
05-02-2014, 02:31 PM
Check the supps. Generally, enduros do not honor lap records because the various configs of the car cannot be verified through the event (e.g., remove all weight, toss on non-compliant go-fast equipment, come back into compliance for end of race...)

05-02-2014, 04:08 PM
I know I've seen that before, but checked the supps twice and didn't find it. Makes sense that those times aren't allowed for track records.

Would be incentive to come back to a JRB event this season! It would be great to have a couple LCC cars out there.

05-02-2014, 05:12 PM
(e.g., remove all weight, toss on non-compliant go-fast equipment, come back into compliance for end of race...)

So how often do you think that happens in a race like this? We were speculating about the speed of the SM cars vrs our ITS Miata. On more than one occasion we've been nose to tail w/ no discernable difference in speed at the exit of the last corner and we get pulled to turn 1. We're running a car w/ header, intake, compression bump, lighter weight and no restrictor and an SM car can have legs on us. Seems suspect. Knowing how easy it is pull the restrictor it has often made me wonder if this gets done during these races.

Terry Hanushek
05-02-2014, 06:14 PM

I know I've seen that before, but checked the supps twice and didn't find it.

Page 7 / G E N E R A L / 1. TIMING & SCORING ... last sentence: No track records will be recognized during this event.

What tGA said

Would be incentive to come back to a JRB event this season! It would be great to have a couple LCC cars out there.

LeChump (LCCx) cars are welcome at all of our JRB regionals, starting with Pocono this month and continuing at NJMP in June, August and October.


Greg Amy
05-03-2014, 08:43 AM
So how often do you think that happens in a race like this?
No idea. But it's a 5-minute job that could certainly yield be worth that "investment" over 12 hours.

gran racing
05-04-2014, 04:26 PM
Pretty obvious for other teams to spot though. I think weight would be the most likely. Last stint have more fuel and heaviest driver on the team finish it out. Other sessions be underweight.

05-04-2014, 09:15 PM
For the Devil, they weighed cars w/o driver, then added a bogey 180#.


Terry Hanushek
05-04-2014, 10:11 PM

Pretty obvious for other teams to spot though. I think weight would be the most likely. Last stint have more fuel and heaviest driver on the team finish it out. Other sessions be underweight.

What Kirk said .... Plus

Page 5 / S P E C I A L . E V E N T . R U L E S / 7. Car Modifications

With the exception of consumable items (fuel, oil, water, tires and brake pads), nothing may

be added or changed on the car in the last hour without the permission of the Chief Steward or representative.

This provision was added several years ago after a team was observed placing a spare tire in their car with about an hour to go. The car was weighed with and without the spare tire in post race impound. Much to the relief of the crew, the car made weight by about three pounds without the spare tire. We do what we can to level the playing field.

See ya at races


05-05-2014, 07:19 AM
Note to self: Make new ballast boxes full of brake pads...


05-05-2014, 09:32 AM
Most of my Chump team loves the night races. And FWIW the Chump and lemons races have moved a liitle away from overnight 24s and night racing in general.
Maybe Terry can find a market gap and fill it .
IMHO the night races are what makes an endurance race cool. Sunrise over the pack is just the nuts.

RE pace car; The steward could designate 3 or 4 ¨pace cars"among the race cars . Yes the pace car situation can add or subtract a lap for the front teams very easy. As the intensity / cost go up,. these things matter more to teams that are out for the win, overlooking the fun factor .

We stopped the 12 at the point when fuel rigs were allowed and the nightt running was reduced, making the race just a long race that required fuel rigs to be near the front. The lack of fuel cell size rules also dampened our enthusiasm.

05-05-2014, 09:51 AM
^I think in E1 and E2 you might need a fuel rig and big cell to win this one. But in the lower classes I'm not at all convinced. I witnessed enough of a delta in car and team prep, and DRIVING ability, that some time + or - in the pits didn't make that huge of a difference. IOW, if you maximized the result from what you had in hand, you were probably way further ahead than guys that had rigs and stuff and didn't execute otherwise.

That said, I have to give props to the guys in the E3 and particularly E4 cars that were top 10 OA. They had to be on point.


05-05-2014, 10:20 AM
4th overall = E2 car with terrible gas mileage (rx8) with a stock 13 gallon tank fitted with a single hose dry break to use dump cans. Used 1 set of street tires Saturday. May use the same tires later this year. Top speed on the car was 115 with no 5th or 6th after the first hour.

Driver out with 10 seconds, driver in and car moving within 20 to 30 seconds. If your pit stop took you more than 2:45seconds then we lapped you :-) ours were all about 1:15.

05-05-2014, 12:23 PM
For the Devil, they weighed cars w/o driver, then added a bogey 180#.

This works quite well for me, too bad my co-drivers out-weigh me by 40# (or more).

I have checked and the driver of my car would have to weigh only about 135# for the car to be underweight w/ zero fuel, and even I can't do that anymore.

05-05-2014, 12:32 PM
^I think in E1 and E2 you might need a fuel rig and big cell to win this one. But in the lower classes I'm not at all convinced. I witnessed enough of a delta in car and team prep, and DRIVING ability, that some time + or - in the pits didn't make that huge of a difference. IOW, if you maximized the result from what you had in hand, you were probably way further ahead than guys that had rigs and stuff and didn't execute otherwise.

That said, I have to give props to the guys in the E3 and particularly E4 cars that were top 10 OA. They had to be on point.


Had we been equipped with our typical 22-gallon cell and dump cans, we would have made three stops (rather than six), and they would have averaged about half the time we spent on each one. How many laps is that...? :)


05-05-2014, 05:28 PM
Enough laps for you to beat us, doc! ;)

We made 6 by my count too, plus one during a fcy for a radio cluster eff. We used dead stock fill jugs with the stock fill neck on the car, flapper still intact. We stood still for at least 4 minutes, which was horrible. So yeah, we gave up some laps just due to a non ideal setup.

I want to keep the car Chump eligible, and they only allow +2 gallons from stock in a cell, which IMO may not be worth it for us.

I guess we just work on getting more speed to make up for our short runs! :). We were like 400 pounds plus heavy for the LCC rules, there's speed there.


Terry Hanushek
05-06-2014, 12:03 AM
Is supremacy in E5 becoming a grudge match?


05-06-2014, 04:31 PM
Is supremacy in E5 becoming a grudge match?


If we can call you 'Humpy Wheeler' Hanushek, and it gets more people interested in LCC/E5, then hell yes!

05-09-2014, 07:24 PM
Reg was ugly. VERY ugly and people lost track time as a result. I don't understand how it could have ever been scheduled the way it was. The volunteer excuse doesn't cut it, there were many people new to SCCA that were SLAPPED in the face by this. AND PEOPLE LOST TRACK TIME THEY PAID FOR.

My drivers went to reg early and WERE TURNED AWAY!!!

LED's bugged out one of my drivers as well... especially regarding closing rate. There are small bars. maybe out law the long ones or make them tape the middle third?

15 votes for 12 to 12. If staying up late is a problem, get up later. The dark that we get with 12 to 12 is SO much more in the spirit of a true endurance race. I partied until 4 with my drivers and was the youngest one there by a mile so age is no excuse ;)

The pit exit closing on that early yellow was VERY RUDE.

Great event sans the reg and the pits/pace car bit. I swore I was going to drive this year, but brought a team of drivers together with a car and chiefed it instead... Most fun and best experience I've had not driving in a while. Crew chief, Driver changer and spotter... It kept me busy... The Sunday I packed up a different car and drove to the Glen. Good times.

I'm very very VERY much against changing the time. Unless it is to go later... :D Please don't let it happen. The event is growing and people like it the way that it is.

05-09-2014, 09:17 PM
Lighten up. It was another great event by the NJ folks. Well constructed ositive suggestions always help to improve future events. And it was us old guys who taught you how to party til 4. Maybe later we'll show you how to take it til dawn. :023:
Your friend Chuck

05-09-2014, 09:50 PM
Sounds like a great time by most. Sorry I missed it and meeting a lot of you guys in person for once, hopefully next year.

Terry Hanushek
05-10-2014, 12:07 AM

Reg was ugly. VERY ugly and people lost track time as a result. I don't understand how it could have ever been scheduled the way it was. The volunteer excuse doesn't cut it, there were many people new to SCCA that were SLAPPED in the face by this. AND PEOPLE LOST TRACK TIME THEY PAID FOR.

We are aware of (and embarrassed by) the difficulties in registration. It won't happen again.

Also understand that registration for this event will cause delays when most teams show up at the same time with a dozen or more crew members some of whom need weekend memberships. We can't completely eliminate delays but we can ensure that it will not intrude on practice or race time.

LED's bugged out one of my drivers as well... especially regarding closing rate. There are small bars. maybe out law the long ones or make them tape the middle third?

Some place, perhaps on another BBS, there was a discussion of LED's and possible solutions. We are looking at cutting the beam at or below horizontal to retain the advantage of LED while not annoying / interfering with other drivers. Your suggestions are welcome.

I'm glad you enjoyed the event and hope to see you out next year.


05-10-2014, 09:01 AM
Lighten up. It was another great event by the NJ folks. Well constructed ositive suggestions always help to improve future events. And it was us old guys who taught you how to party til 4. Maybe later we'll show you how to take it til dawn. :023:
Your friend Chuck

Just being brief and yes it was a GREAT event overall! Just wanted to make a couple points, not trying to beat a dead horse. Sorry I couldn't find you to say hi Chuck. I tried to catch your eye during the driver meeting, but you may not have recognized me with my hair cut...

Sounds like a great time by most. Sorry I missed it and meeting a lot of you guys in person for once, hopefully next year.

It was EPIC! Shoulda been there jerk :p


We are aware of (and embarrassed by) the difficulties in registration. It won't happen again.

Also understand that registration for this event will cause delays when most teams show up at the same time with a dozen or more crew members some of whom need weekend memberships. We can't completely eliminate delays but we can ensure that it will not intrude on practice or race time.

Some place, perhaps on another BBS, there was a discussion of LED's and possible solutions. We are looking at cutting the beam at or below horizontal to retain the advantage of LED while not annoying / interfering with other drivers. Your suggestions are welcome.

I'm glad you enjoyed the event and hope to see you out next year.


Thank Terry x10!

Understood about the Reg. Let me know next time if you are short volunteers, or they don't want to start early, I will help!

Biggest issue with the LED bars seemed to be judging the closer rates. I don't think that lowering the light will do much as the regular highs are... well pretty high, might not hurt though.

Amazing the turnout. can't wait for next year! My drivers all got hooked and are taking me with them where ever they go next... Currently planning for the 13 hour :D

05-11-2014, 07:06 AM
Watching it again this weekend, what lemons does very right registration-wise is decoupling and people...

** There's a list of every registered participant at the front gate. Anyone on that list gets a blue wristband. That list is a simple dump of anyone listed as crew or drivers and nobody cares which car you're attached to. If folks need temporary weekend memberships at an SCCA weekend, this would be the place to take care of it.

** Car "registration" and tech requires only one person serving as the representative of the team. For an SCCA race this could be the entrant and/or the registered DTR. This is what they tried to do - sort of - at the Devil, when they just asked for a person to get cars registered but it was in the mess of a bunch of people already in line to do weekend memberships, etc.

** Driver check-in just requires showing your license and printing/signing against a list of just drivers - literally just highlighted as each is processed. That gets one a yellow wrist band.

** With gear annuals, SCCA wouldn't have to do this, but driver gear tech includes pulling out your stuff, (literally) pointing at the SFI (blech) patch/sticker, and raising your hand when you're ready for the rotating guy. Interestingly, this approach - at every race - does a better job of encouraging proper gear than does the annual approach, under which I could be using a non-approved suit under my stickered helmet...

The approach at SCCA enduros continues the regular system that's centered on the driver, and assumes he/she has a car and crew.


EDIT - Implicit in the above is that these functions take place in different lines. Spread them out and let each work at its own rate.

05-11-2014, 08:35 AM
Terry, you can settle the time argument by making this thing a 24 hour!

Then maybe I can stop thinking of doing the Thunderhill 25...

05-12-2014, 07:51 AM
I agree with the light bars. it did make it difficult to judge closing rates. And being the slowest car there, it was kinda important!! :D

12-04-2014, 03:00 PM
I asked over on the "other" place but should plop it in here too, are Prod cars not eligible for this race?

Greg Amy
12-04-2014, 04:52 PM
Gotta run DOT tires. Request entry to one of the ITX classes and run DOTs.

Terry Hanushek
12-04-2014, 08:38 PM

The Devil in the Dark is a DOT tire based event. Production (and GT) cars have not been classified because they are predominantly race tire categories. That said, the ITXn exhibition classes are available to accept cars which don't conform with any of the listed classes. A production car running on DOT tires would certainly be considered for one of these classes.

Hope to see ya at The Devil


12-06-2014, 10:58 PM
Do we have a date for 2015 yet?

Terry Hanushek
12-06-2014, 11:51 PM

Do we have a date for 2015 yet?

25 April 2015

Announcement coming soon
