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01-09-2014, 01:56 PM
Just out of curiosity...

I've always raced under the philosophy that we do this for fun, and it is much more fun to actually compete with other drivers for position than to win running all alone. Of course the ultimate high is to have good, close racing, where you come out on top; but with the exception of some of spec classes (SM, SSM, SRF) that seems to be more the exception than the rule. I've said more than once I would rather finish 3rd in a close, hard-fought race race with 2 other drivers than win by 20 seconds. Of course that doesn't mean I would ever slow down if I found myself way out in front, but it just wouldn't be a satisfying or fun. I've also come to learn that there are many drivers for whom winning is the only thing, no matter how it happens.

Anyway, I've added a poll with options for those two philosophies; I am curious to see how many others feel the way I do. I'm guessing up front that I am in the minority, but we'll see...

01-09-2014, 03:33 PM
you always want to win, but its no fun if you're out there just lapping every weekend

Ron Earp
01-09-2014, 03:38 PM
Best races I've had were ones where I did not win. Had some nice ones at CMP and RRR like that, VIR not so much as things tend to get spread out.

01-09-2014, 04:15 PM
Poll writing fale! ;)
I think what you meant was:
Finish in the top of a group of equally talented drivers after a hard fought battle


Dickstomp a poorly subscribed class of newbies and also rans,


Ideally, I like to WIN a hard fought race ...by a wide margin, LOL

chuck baader
01-09-2014, 04:33 PM
As a good friend told me..." the best place to be during a race is leading your class, directly on on the bumper of the second place car!"

01-09-2014, 04:52 PM
Poll writing fale! ;)
I think what you meant was:
Finish in the top of a group of equally talented drivers after a hard fought battle


Dickstomp a poorly subscribed class of newbies and also rans,

I thought that was what I said...meant....meant to say....oh, hell, you know what I meant.

I think the real fale was in thinking I was in the minority. Or, maybe those for whom winning is all that matters don't want to admit it (or maybe they're out working on their race cars, and don't have time to post dumb polls on internet forums?)....

01-09-2014, 06:15 PM
Best races I've had were ones where I did not win.


gran racing
01-09-2014, 07:29 PM
What Jake said.

And not all the time but sometimes it is fun! One weekend a few years back in the rain, myself and one other car totally took off. I think we may have lapped the entire field (some multiple times), and several other higher class cars. I admit I was having a LOT of fun.

I've also won by a good margin and was the most boring race ever. My wife made it a point to tell me she was bored too. Probably some of my most fun races where for 15th or so place. Still don't want to go back there now though. lol

This very point has made me wonder sometimes about people who build their cars to a point where they are much better than their competition. It doesn't take away from their driving abilities, but wondered if they were actually having fun or being pushed to become a better driver. I know the answer to that.

01-09-2014, 08:32 PM
Two races come to mind that where the most fun for me.

The first was i made a bad tire choice on one of those weather days where everyone is standing around looking at eachnother tire someone to decide on a tire. I made the wrong call and left pregrid to swap. I had to start for pit row and last....about 30th overall. I qualified 7th overall. It was a blast working through traffic. I was trying to get back to my qualifying position. I almost did it.

Second was a day with two races placing 3rd then 2nd. Somehow I was mixed in with two of the fastest drivers in the northeast with boat loads more talent and experience than i have. Somehow in both races we stayed within a second or less of each other. I was totally using up my car to be there. They graciously didnt treat me rough. Awesome time.

On the flip side I hate being the slug that is giving my mentors a point by every ten laps.

Marcus Miller
01-09-2014, 10:48 PM
I'll take option c. Runaway to a 10+ second win, in a tightly rules controlled class, via prep and driving.

For example, my first road racing win, in a pro7. Cheap class (what happened to those?), equal enought cars, good drivers, and a race where it all came good.

Saw my first mentor at the gas station that night, who gave me a big hug and told me he knew I could do it. Great praise that started a killer 5 year run. ( and a memory, clear as day 10 years later)

01-09-2014, 11:26 PM
I wish I could finish anywhere but last place, only 10 long seconds back from 3rd

01-10-2014, 01:11 AM
I'll take option c. Runaway to a 10+ second win, in a tightly rules controlled class, via prep and driving.

Voted "A" but agree with "C" above... It is always fun to out drive a field in the rain that you generally race with in the dry!

Back in the day before the big change in ITB the Audi's dominated at tracks like Pocono and Road Atlanta where the top speed of the car was 10mph higher than the competition... But other tracks like NHIS (yes NHIS, not NHMS) the cars could barely make the top 5. It was far more fun to race for first against my brother at Pocono than a top 5 at NHIS, so much so that we stopped racing at NHIS/NHMS for several years even though it was only 30min down the street.

Raymond "times change along with goals" Blethen

01-10-2014, 08:32 AM
Probably one of my favorite races ever was when I was starting out in w2w and Matt Yip and I raced each other hammer and tong for DFL. We were so far back that the leaders were already loaded on their trailers by the time we finished. That was close to 20 years ago, and we both still love to tell the story of how we met.

Since then I have chosen to race in a heavily contested class because there is always competition, no matter where you are in the field. I will say that running at the pointy end of the grid is a lot nicer, but having had the occasion to start mid-pack or farther back once in a while has it's benefits too. It's different to have the luxury of just attacking instead of having to worry about being attacked as well.

01-10-2014, 09:28 AM
I've had loads of fun battling friends for places other than first. But I'm also out there to win.......... isnt that why we keep track of where everyone places? ;)

If it was all about running close with friends I'd do track days......... and spend a hell of a lot less money!!

But I have to admit, back when I was not expecting to win I had a lot more fun......... Once I started winning and had the expectation everytime that my intent was to win, it became a little less fun. I'm competitive in everything I do so I don't think I really know how to dial it back so it's only about the fun..........

01-10-2014, 09:32 AM
But I have to admit, back when I was not expecting to win I had a lot more fun......... Once I started winning and had the expectation everytime that my intent was to win, it became a little less fun. I'm competitive in everything I do so I don't think I really know how to dial it back so it's only about the fun..........

I've run into this 100%....and have burnt myself out due to it. I think it's near impossible to dial it back and get what you want/need out of it but it is something I've been consciously working on the last couple of years. It's fun god damn it!

01-10-2014, 09:50 AM
I've won races and championships but I've had more fun with side by side battles -- me and Zsolt at VIR, me and Steve E. at Charlotte, me and Tim Jernum at Daytona -- than anything else.

01-10-2014, 10:24 AM
Swapping positions for laps on end is a blast.....especially if you win.

01-10-2014, 10:35 AM
Best race weekend I've had in years...
Check out the margin of victory on both races..

The lap charts (STILL not loaded on MyLaps..) tell an even better tale- I wish I had video!

01-10-2014, 11:21 AM
The 2008 IT Fest weekend had the best racing I have ever enjoyed. I finished 3rd in a hard fought 3 car battle all weekend.

01-10-2014, 11:29 AM
I'll take option c. Runaway to a 10+ second win, in a tightly rules controlled class, via prep and driving.

And see, to me that is exactly what option B is about. It doesn't really matter why you ran away to that 10 second lead, whether it was a weak field, or you just did that much better a job prepping & driving the car. That just wouldn't be as much fun for me (then again, it's not like that has ever happened to me...).

And yeah, I know it's all racing; but I'm talking about a scrap, about having to fight tooth and nail to get around that guy in front of you, or to keep that guy behind you. For me, that's when the adrenaline really get going, when the heart really starts pumping, when I feel like I'm in the middle of a dogfight. That is why I do this shit, for times like that.

01-10-2014, 06:45 PM
I've never won a race and don't know that I ever will so my perspective may be a little different, but driving around by yourself sucks. I can do that at a lapping day. It's a lot more fun when you're racing someone, even if it's for 7th place.


Marcus Miller
01-10-2014, 11:33 PM
And see, to me that is exactly what option B is about. It doesn't really matter why you ran away to that 10 second lead, whether it was a weak field, or you just did that much better a job prepping & driving the car. That just wouldn't be as much fun for me (then again, it's not like that has ever happened to me...).

And yeah, I know it's all racing; but I'm talking about a scrap, about having to fight tooth and nail to get around that guy in front of you, or to keep that guy behind you. For me, that's when the adrenaline really get going, when the heart really starts pumping, when I feel like I'm in the middle of a dogfight. That is why I do this shit, for times like that.

Yep, but when I read b, I read it as I'm in an over dog, and crushed the field.
That is boring as crap.

Running neck and neck is fun, and gives great racing, but I loved running away, and winning by a big gap, for the totality of the effort and result.

01-11-2014, 10:44 AM
I've finished up and down the results sheet over the last 19 years in my MR2. A year in SSC in 1995, best finish 3rd. 12 years in ITA generally mid pack, but good racing with the likes of Matthew Yip (General Li VW), Chris Mitchum (of Mitchum Mororsports, Honda CRX) and Peter Doane (Psychedelic MR2) among others.
We have 4 or 5 MR2s that usually show up at the MARRS races. The car was finally moved to ITB in 2009, where it should have been all along, and with a couple readjustments of weight I have finished usually in the top 10, with a 3rd and 4th in 2013 due to atttrition and some luck. I even finished 1st twice in the same weekend at the National Invitational at Summit Point in 2011. It also happened to be 5.21 & 22, which was supposed to be the End of the World. It must have been since I won. No other ITB car showed up, but hey, I got the trophy!
For me the best fun is diving into T1 at the start and getting out the other end with the fenders still intact, then running nose to tail and door to door with someone, usually my bubby Steve Beckley (MR2). No matter what happens at the start we seem to end up together, duking it out for the last few laps, which has happened for years. It's great when you know you can trust the other guy to leave you just enough room, and you're grinning at the same time you're cursing at him. After the race we go back to the paddock, the winner of the MR2 races buys a beer for the other MR2 guys and we exchange our traditional checkered flag for the race within the race. And the trash talk begins again. Good stuff!

Greg Amy
01-11-2014, 11:15 AM
The ones everybody else remembers are the walk-away romps...the ones I remember are the tightly-fought 3rd-place finishes.

- GA

01-11-2014, 01:48 PM
as a mechanic , it feels GREAT to have a run-a-way race !! as a racer , i know its more fun to run ,even win a close one. some have called us strange !!..having helped our competitors fix their cars so they could out-run us !! i have enjoyed them all !!! ralph mcconnell