RAL Weekend


New member
Well great weekend. Hats off to all the ones that ran the weekend.
Wow what a race in group 4. Congrats to the guest drive Mr. Patten. It was great to be part of a four car battle for the win.
The starting order Ray,Dave Patten,JB,Mike,Mike T, Dan. Dan by turn 1 in first. Maylay erupted in down hill I think everyone made it through. Dan,dave,jb,ray took off. Dan dave side by side from turn 3 to front straight for about 4 laps. I had the best seat in the house. Had 1 Miata decide to stay with us 4. we all battled. second to last lap dan got 2 wheels off in 6. I decided to follow. Patten got by dan. ray got by me. last lap ray got by dan. I got by dan in 3. all I can tell you is probably the race of the weekend for all classes. results for IT7 Patten,Ray,JB,Dan,Mike,Mike T. Hope all the workers enjoyed.
I have the video downloaded into the computer. The rear faceing is way better as that shows all the good stuff. As soon as I can figure out how to shrink it and get it on here, you know the rest.

I tired of getting beat by my own car.

I have the video downloaded into the computer. The rear faceing is way better as that shows all the good stuff. As soon as I can figure out how to shrink it and get it on here, you know the rest.

I tired of getting beat by my own car.


We would like to see the front view on the last couple laps so we can see the winners cross the finish :smilie_pokal:
We would like to see the front view on the last couple laps so we can see the winners cross the finish :smilie_pokal:

Yup I need to figure out how to splice it together. When that happensI will show the exact second I figured out that is too deep in the brake zone.

Hey Jim, Big talk for a sell out.

Saw your former car early, backwards in 9. New owner did a great heads up move by STANDING on the brakes and sitting still. That allowed all of us to get thru and not wreck a couple other cars. Not bad for someone who hangs with the LTD boys.
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ITB results:
Sat PM:
Nat Wentwoth
Jason Benagh
Tom Kelly

Sun AM
Nat Wentworth
Tom Kelly
Zack Kelly

Sun PM
Nat Wentworth
Tom Kelly
Zack Kelly
If I wasn't wearing a full face helmet all you would see in Dan's rear facing camera is a big ass grin!

Its been awhile since I've driven an IT car and this weekend was one of my most enjoyable ones racing in a long time. (and putting the pass on my car owner for first didn't dampen it any!)

Now if I could only figure out why my computer doesn't want to open my gopro's MP4 files. I'm sure it has great shots of Dan's #77 trying to keep me behind it.

Thank you Dan for the ride and all the IT7 group for the great weekend!
Saw your former car early, backwards in 9. New owner did a great heads up move by STANDING on the brakes and sitting still. That allowed all of us to get thru and not wreck a couple other cars. Not bad for someone who hangs with the LTD boys.

That was me. Big tip of my hat to everyone for not hitting me. It took a lot for me to just stay put, but I knew I had to sit. The guy in the red X1/9 almost hit, but got stopped in time.

The car was new to me, and I was struggling with a tendency to spin to the left under braking. I could usually catch it but with the cold tires of lap 1, I didn't.

Finally had time to get the car aligned yesterday (a couple of days too late) and took out the toe that was in the rear. Hopefully that makes it a bit more controllable.

Also, wanted to say that the driving in group 4 was great. People seemed really heads up, with folks pointing by out-of-class racers.

It really confirmed for me why I wanted to run IT not SM.
Front and rear video from RAL at NHMS

[ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=by_mJSoknNA[/ame] Rear camera

[ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kMJU_TNRPgs[/ame] front Camera

Enjoy, comments.
Yeah, me too! When I wrecked the A car in the oval 3 years ago it was after a from the back start, Steph hadn't qualified due to work, and I started at the back due to a problem in the qual race the day before. Unfortunately we gridded behind a guy who refused to keep up with the pack. We started racing from NASCAR 3, cause that's when we could see the flag. At the end of the first lap, I got a furled black, and was so confused about what I had done, that I forgot to lift in time for 1. I know I'm supposed to ignore the furled black, but in 25 years of racing that was my 2nd, and I knew what I did the first time, hence no confusion.

Really surprised you didn't get at least a furled, because that really looked like a planned jump.
Not gonna defend or explain it away. It is what it is.

If the starter wasent happy with the way the field was forming up they didnt need to throw the green, Thats thier job.

Every one of us has at some point thought about how to get to the front as quick as possable, I acted on that thought. Got to the front of MY race and didnt impede any other cars on the way.

I did have contact with another class car towards the end of the race. He choose to be in the middle of our race and touched my rear bumper in a brake zone. OOOPS no harm no foul. It happens. Overall thought it was a good clean battle for 16 laps with the better car winning the race.

Dan, The New Most Dangerous Driver In IT