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View Full Version : New York Safty Track, BIKES ONLY

04-30-2013, 04:51 PM
This sucks and just highlites the need for facilities. Every date avaiable is rented by a motorcycle organization. Im sure thats the way they wanted it.

But they sent me an email asking if I wanted to join, the hook was "we are going to let cars on the track this year only" Cmon.

http://www.nysafetytrack.com/membership.php Its not a bad deal if I were into bikes. Jeff Lawton shoud be all over this

04-30-2013, 04:53 PM
I think EMRA has a date there... this year.


04-30-2013, 05:11 PM
The tracks calender lists them as Member Days. I just was looking to see if there was an SCCA date so I could arrange my schedue.

Then I got the link to become a member on FB. Guess its not out of the question yet.


05-01-2013, 07:47 AM
Given their mission statement starts with bikes, talks about bikes, and narely mentions a car. I guess its a bike track.

05-01-2013, 07:52 AM
Yeah, the group that I ran with last week with the bike has a date scheduled in June there. I'm guessing (pure speculation) is that they are far from having it completed enough for cars. From what I understand they just put the top coat of pavement on in the last couple of days. No buildings, no parking and (I'm guessing) no barriers or other safety features needed for cars.

05-02-2013, 11:21 AM
It's a fascinating project, and amazing that Greg got it build totally under everyone's radar.

But...it's got a long way to go before cars can race there. Run-offs need work, as do the ditches / culverts all around the track (think "Joey Hand's BMW flips at Mid-O"). Don't think (my opinion...take that for what it's worth) that it won't meet minimum standards for PDX / HPDE without much of the same work.

Stated goal by the developers was for a bike track. Hope they continue with a plan for improvements to handle cars.

05-02-2013, 01:31 PM
LOL - living in Syracuse, I read the title as "New York SALTY Track..."


05-07-2013, 10:24 AM

05-07-2013, 10:47 AM
Looks like a car to me :D

Also looks a little flat. Video can be deceiving though.

05-07-2013, 03:52 PM
There's been some folks doing private days in cars. Brad Brooks had his SRF there for some lapping last fall, and a Miata this spring.
Tony's Track Days has dates in August there. I'm planning on bringing my bike up and seeing how it flows. It will be an easy drive from here. Looks like it will be a blast.
Guy who built it is a bike guy, but has said he will eventually have cars too. They do have a ways to go for safety/runoff/etc for cars yet.
Apparently, you have to keep one eye on the sky on the main straight, being as it is an active runway. :blink:

Drew M
05-07-2013, 05:02 PM
The track isn't limited to just bikes, as you can see in the video. The track was created mainly as a location for motorcycle safety schools to run their classes. Greg (track creator) asked a lot of folks why they have never been on a racetrack and the overwhelming response was that they have a misconception that it isn't safe. Hence the name.

I've been on this track. It certainly is challenging. Videos are deceiving. The elevation changes make the Glen look like an infield road course. There are a bunch of sweeping turns and long straights. There's one right hand turn that I call 'Infinity Turn' because as you approach it, all you can see is sky. Then the road goes steeply downhill while taking a hard right. I suppose it would compare to the Esses at the Glen being driven in reverse. There is one section of tight esses. They're a lot of fun to carry a lot of speed through, if you get them right.

When I was there, the runoff wasn't anywhere near completion so I can't speak for that.

Here's a couple videos from that day. As you can see, it wasn't exactly a track day.
A friend is driving another friend's Vette.

Me with Greg in the car. You can get a feel for how the turns look facing the opposite direction.