View Full Version : Need 4th Lemons driver Gingerman 4/20-21

Bob Roth
02-02-2013, 05:29 PM
we need a 4th driver for the LeMons race of Gingerman on April 19 (practice) 20/21. Its $600 per driver, one 2 hour stint per day. Its a hoot and a very good car and team. Its a Opel GT with pinto engine and alfa axle and limited slip. I've raced it, its a very good handling, well prepared car.

The two requirements are that you be an experienced driver who's willing to avoid penalties and at all cost body damage. Also, you need to be able to fit a miata, crx or similar car because this isn't exactly a huge car. Here's a picture of our team at the last race. With a little luck, we could do very well in B class.

Email me if interested.


02-06-2013, 02:00 PM
Its a nice car and seems to do decent on track, so I can vouch for that. - bodywork is way too nice for lemons! :happy204::023:

We're short one driver too, but have had trouble getting the kind of talent to run the pace we need, so are going to have a "phantom" 4th driver this time (Don't mess with Lexas!) :smilie_pokal: