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View Full Version : New BMWCCA Enduro Series

01-14-2013, 10:27 AM
Hi Guys,

BMWCCA is starting a new enduro series this year. For the first year they plan on running 4 events. The events will be at Mid Ohio, NJMP, COTA and one tbd. They will be 4 hour events and hopefully one six hour. They will be run in conjunction with BMWCCA club racing rules but are inviting all BMW Improved Touring classes as well. Years ago I ran the Firestone Firehawk series and honestly this was some of my best racing years. I loved the teamwork, pit stops and being part of something so exciting. I think this will be a series with a huge future especially for Enduro racing. Get together with your fellow drivers and put together a team. They will accept your SCCA license or NASA license as well. They are working on sponsors in hopes of making these fun competitive weekends. I realize that they are run around the country but that is is the fun of it. Years ago I think I raced at 14 tracks and will never forget one of them. I will keep you informed as the information comes out and please let me know your ideas, comments or feedback. Thanks for your time.

Maybe some of you can contact the guys from Autotechnic to transport your car/team to help bring down costs on events they may attend as well.

Robert Zecca

Simon T.
01-14-2013, 01:42 PM
Cool, I'd like to see enduros become large again outside of just the Chump/LeMons arena.

NASA Southeast is now having a 4, 6, and 8 hour enduro at Road Atlanta including an August 6 hour that starts at 4PM. :D

I'd run the BMW enduros, if I ran a BMW. :p

(I thought I posted this in the endurance section, doesn't relate to the NE, sorry)