View Full Version : This could save your life... Hans issue I had...

09-24-2012, 10:01 AM
This past weekend at the NARRC Runoffs I had one of the scariest moments in racing since I personally got in the car 13 years ago... and it was sitting in impound!

For some reason when I went to get out of the car I didn't open the door. Which to be honest is something we should all be "able" to do since the door could be jammed closed after an incident. When I went to get out my Hans device slid into the window opening. I was instantly stuck. I couldn't get out or even get back into the car. I litteraly couldn't move AT ALL. I could move my right hand but my left hand was stuck down between the seat and my side. With my right hand I was able to remove the Hans clip on my right side but I couldn't reach the left side latch no matter how I tried to fish my hand up or use my other hand to reach around. With the Hans on we all know you can't just squeeze your head down through it so my helmet was stuck on. It wasn't until after Dave Gran (another driver) noticed me that he was able to come over and unclip the other side and take my helmet off. After that I was able to pull the hans out of the door backwards behind my head and finally free myself. I couldn't help to think what if I was in the car and it was on fire! I know we have talked about window nets before but I wanted to share this story with everyone so they could share it with others before it is a real issue. I think with about 5 cents worth of tape I solved the issue from happening again in the future.

Please share any ideas that you may have AND share any resolutions to this or other problems you may have had.

Thanks for reading and sharing,

09-24-2012, 10:22 AM
That is one of the scariest things to happen. Getting stuck in the car. There is a reason we buid these things with escape routes in place. Now I need to see if there is anothre potential trap in my car.

Thanks for sharing the pictures


09-24-2012, 11:06 AM
Thanks Stephen for pointing that out. I will close up that opening.

09-24-2012, 12:31 PM
Please share any ideas that you may have AND share any resolutions to this or other problems you may have had.

Don't buy a Hans.


Ed Funk
09-24-2012, 12:40 PM
I have 2 Issacs we could let you have cheap!

Currently using Pro Rage Hybrids...pain to get into alone, but you can get out, as they don't stick up as high behind the helmet.

09-24-2012, 01:22 PM
I use this device for that exact reason: http://www.necksgen.com/ . Easy to get out of the car without the device getting 'hung up' on the car or seat. I'm not a fan of these devices at all, but since we must use one - I chose this one. I will not use a HANS and if that is ever the only option - I'm out.

09-24-2012, 01:27 PM
Lol.....Hans Stuck.

Seriously though, thanks for the heads-up.

09-24-2012, 04:53 PM
there is a reason that the HANS sticker on the back of my car is upside down...

09-24-2012, 05:12 PM
Don't buy a Hans.


Solution......FA,FB,FC,FE,FF,FV,F500,spec racer furd(LOL),D&C sports racer....must have forgotten something.....:023:

At least they don't have doors or a roof to get hung up on.

09-24-2012, 05:19 PM
Do you use the new quick releases and the sliding tethers? I upgraded to those and it is so much better.

09-24-2012, 06:43 PM
Solution......FA,FB,FC,FE,FF,FV,F500,spec racer furd(LOL),D&C sports racer....must have forgotten something.....:023:

At least they don't have doors or a roof to get hung up on.

How about the guy at Lime Rock this past weekend who got a tire mark on his helmet from getting run over while driving an SRF...? Hard to forget THAT.


09-24-2012, 07:22 PM
Do you use the new quick releases and the sliding tethers? I upgraded to those and it is so much better.

I don't have those but I am not sure I could have reached them anyway. they would certainly be easier in a panic situation though!

I didn't necessarily want to start a thread to crap on Hans (but I did expect some crapping) either way I honestly never thought of this and I would like to share my concern with as many people as possible so please steal/share the photo wherever you can to make people aware so they can understand what could happen to them... This was honestly a terrible feeling to be trapped!


09-24-2012, 08:47 PM
How about the guy at Lime Rock this past weekend who got a tire mark on his helmet from getting run over while driving an SRF...? Hard to forget THAT.


Run over by a 944 that went over the top and ended up upside down in the water in the "pond",drivers right between turns 2 and 3.we got there with the flatbed and helped pull him out, luckily unhurt!! I believe 2 spec FURDS went into a spin...and took him with them.

09-24-2012, 08:52 PM
Solution......FA,FB,FC,FE,FF,FV,F500,spec racer FIT(LOL),D&C sports racer....must have forgotten something.....:023:

At least they don't have doors or a roof to get hung up on.

I prefer not to get soaked or baked sitting on the grid, thank you very much.

09-24-2012, 09:12 PM
...I didn't necessarily want to start a thread to crap on Hans (but I did expect some crapping) either way I honestly never thought of this and I would like to share my concern with as many people as possible so please steal/share the photo wherever you can to make people aware so they can understand what could happen to them... This was honestly a terrible feeling to be trapped!


You experienced what we've all been talking about since they started requiring these devices. The HANS can (and has over and over and over) trap the driver in the car. Some after the accident while they were covered with fuel... H&N devices can be a benefit in a crash, but this one can also trap you in the car. Those original HANS devices had that crazy high back that are very dangerous. I believe they know it and that is what led to the change of the design to a shorter (but still too long) back section. All just my .02 cents.

09-24-2012, 09:19 PM
I know I was aware of the back part getting caught in the net but I never realized the potential to go down into the window opening within the door. I think my duct tape modification will certainly help prevent this in the future.

09-24-2012, 09:49 PM
There's simply no way to anticipate and tape up all of the potential snags with that deal. I'm just thankful that you weren't on fire when it happened, Stephen. It's just too horrible to think about.


09-25-2012, 08:24 AM
I helped a Formula VEE racer at NHMS with his helmet 3 weeks ago.He had a Simpson hybrid, which is quite small on the back with a neat tether release system.:eclipsee_steering:

09-25-2012, 02:15 PM
I never open my door when I get in or out. The only hang-up I have with my DeFnder is on the belts, which I just need to flip out of my way first. When I get out I always grab the top bar above the windshield with my right hand. Then grab the bar above the drivers window with my left then pull myself to the window, while twisting. I then sit on the window opening, facing toward the inside of the car, head and torso out,then spin myself around. It seems like you got out head first, facing outside the car, which allowed the front of the hans to get stuck. Just something to think about if you ever need to get out without opening your door.


09-25-2012, 02:49 PM
How about the guy at Lime Rock this past weekend who got a tire mark on his helmet from getting run over while driving an SRF...? Hard to forget THAT.


That was Anthony in the 944. The SRF spun 180 in front of him. Anthony drove up drivers left side of the front nose with his drivers side. When his front drivers wheel hit the SRF hoop, he rolled over. It was kind of in slow motion. SRF driver had tire marks on the helmet. Both walked away.

09-26-2012, 12:17 PM
Re the sliding tethers - when I think about the situation when a HANS is working, in a hard impact, I like the thought of the fixed tethers "lining" my head up square with my shoulders.

That said, I spent a bunch of time bothering a Vee driver at the runoffs about the hybrid that he was using, and have tried in a dfender/nexgen, and do not plan to buy a HANS to replace my ISAAC.

Simon T.
09-27-2012, 02:27 PM

09-29-2012, 12:24 AM

Love my hybrid although I have not had to opportunity to really test it (and hope I never do).

As a word of advice, make sure that you plan enough time before you go to the track to have someone assist you adjust all four of the tethers to maximize the effectiveness of the harness. You can practice your emergency egress at the same time.

09-29-2012, 08:01 AM
The only hang-up I have with my DeFnder is on the belts, which I just need to flip out of my way first.

The issues I've had with my DeFnder have been:
1. Belts: the adjusters hang up under the "arms" of the DeFnder that go down my chest.
2. There's a shallow hook on the DeFnder that keeps the shoulder belt from sliding off. I've had this hook hang up on a center net.
3. the sheer bulk of the helmet/DefNder combination barely fitting at all through the available window opening. (Miata)

Bill Miller
09-30-2012, 08:54 AM
There's simply no way to anticipate and tape up all of the potential snags with that deal. I'm just thankful that you weren't on fire when it happened, Stephen. It's just too horrible to think about.

