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View Full Version : And now for something different...

09-12-2012, 10:02 AM
Supps have been posted, and registration will hopefully soon be open (it was, now it's not...) for the final DC Region event of the year, the "Something Different" sprints/relay/PDX at Summit Point, Oct. 6-7. The Saturday will go like a normal MARRS weekend (this is not a MARRS event btw), with morning qualifying and 10-lap afternoon races. On Sunday however, there will be three 25-lap sprint races for those classes not eligible for the relay, along with four advanced PDX sessions between the races, concluding with a 100-lap relay race for eligible classes.

The relay race will be for teams of 2-4 drivers/cars, and will have each driver running a 25-lap session, with the next driver starting at the finish of that session. The start will be staggered based on your team's handicap (which calculated using the lap records for each car's class).

Supps are here (http://www.wdcr-scca.org/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=8vyxipKRjD8%3d&tabid=353&mid=3730). This should be fun, I'm in.