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View Full Version : Barber Reminder

Butch Kummer
08-21-2012, 09:56 AM
Just a reminder that early registration for the Aug 31-Sept 2 Barber Double Rational closes next Monday (Aug 27) at noon. Besides featuring excellent racing this is a gorgeous facility that is very spectator/family oriented as well.

No test day, but Friday starts with a 20-minute practice session followed by two 15-minute qualifying sessions - one for Saturday's race and the second for Sunday. That day is "optional" in our pricing structure (an extra $100) but allows us to offer the GCR-required practice/qualifying time before the races. Yes, this is different than most regions do things but consider who the Atlanta Region Competition Director is!

Links to the Supps, Schedule, and Registration can be found at http://www.AtlantaSCCA.org (http://www.atlantascca.org/).

Some of the Big IT cars have expressed the desire to be grouped with SM in Group 1 rather than SRF, and the Chief Steward has indicated it will be a Thursday-before-race-weekend decision (gives us a chance to see "final" car counts). Regardless of whether there's a move or not, rest assured you'll get split-grid qualifying and a split start in the races.

Hope to see y'all at the track...

08-29-2012, 06:17 PM
hmmm, not sure which is better - running with a big pack of SM or SRF. I see Mid Ohio has SRF and SM together - I like that even better. :)
Sure do have a lot of entries. Here's to hoping the weather is decent.

09-04-2012, 05:17 AM
Now that I know, I'll take running with SM over SRF anyday. Still had a fun time but hope to not have to run with those cars again :)
Thanks to all the workers who made it possible. I've never seen so many flag stations manned on a 2.4 mi. track